Chapter 42

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Amelia's POV

     "Yes Chance," I cheer as soon as he jogs off the field. Our team is neck and neck with the other team, and Chance just aided the point that got us ahead. There's ten minutes left in the fourth quarter. The game could go either way. Our team could hold onto the lead, but we'd need to go at it with everything we have.

     "Hey coach," I hop over to her. "Can I start the next cheer?" I ask her, looking up at the stands. I search the stands for the one person I'm looking for, but they aren't there. I should've known that Michael wouldn't come. He never attends football games. Besides, he was absent anyways. It's not like he would go to football. 

     My eyes skim again, and I see Miles, his hand on Sara's thigh, rubbing up and down as he looks over the field. This relationship is pointless anyways. He's cheating on me. I've known for months. I don't even have feelings for him anymore. They're gone. Why are we still together then? He should just cut it off at least, or I should.

     "Courtney has to call them. She's the captain," the coach announces. Courtney turns to the coach, but then she sees something on her phone, clicks it, and her face drops.

     "No," she mumbles before jogging over to coach. "I need to go." She panics, looking like she's about to cry.

     "What? No, the game has ten minutes left," Coach tells her strictly.

     "Coach," she's holding back tears. "My boyfriend is in the hospital. He got in a bus crash." At the sound of that. My heart drops. I totally forgot about the academic league meet tonight. If Brady was on the bus, that means...

      "Oh my gosh then of course you can go," coach quickly tells her, her eyes wide now. The coach even looks worried.

     "Can Amelia come too please? She's friends with him," Courtney begs, pleads, and Coach gives up quick. I still can't process it all

     "Go you two," she lets us go, and we practically run over to the car. We need to go. Brady's dying. Michael's dying.

     "Amelia, where the hell are you going?" Miles yells from the stands, frustrated. He is glaring down at me.

      "Far away from you. We're done," I cut it off here. Suddenly, Chance runs up behind us with Sergio.

     "You guys can't drive. We're coming with you," Chance is lightly crying, but he's trying to cover it up.

     "What?" Courtney's crying now. I am too.

     "Our bandmates got in a bus accident. We have to see them," Chance brings us over to his car, and we quickly hop in.

     "Three," Courtney murmurs sadly. I sit next to Sergio in the back. He's crying too. I'm wrapped in his arms, and the two of us continue crying.

      "What?" Chance is the only one trying to be strong here, and is probably the only one who can make out a good, coherent sentence. 

     "Three of them have died so far. Two are in surgery. The other three are in critical condition," she sobs, her head resting against the window.

     "Do they say which ones they are?" I ask, but she shakes her head.

     "They don't have it on here. It's confidential still," she looks out the window. For the whole ride there, all I can think about is who those three are.


     All four of us rush into the hospital. It was forty-five minutes away, but with Chance speeding, we made it here in thirty. As soon as we come inside, we see several families in the waiting room. The only one I recognize is Michael's family. His mom, dad, two brothers, and two sisters are all waiting for him. The rest of the families I can't recognize.

     "Courtney," a woman, who I'm assuming is Brady's mom, rushes over and hugs Courtney. Chance doesn't even seem concerned about this. He's too worked up.

     "How is he?" Courtney sniffles, looking up at the woman.

     "Well, he's still breathing. They won't let us in to see him, though," Brady's mom is still hugging Courtney tight.

     "Who died?" Courtney barely whimpers out, so quiet that I can barely even hear it.

     "So far, Jon, Cam, and Andrew, but," Brady's mom lets out a quiet sob,"that list could expand at any second. It was only one dead when they made it here." Courtney walks away with Brady's mom, and I'm left with Sergio and Chance. 

     Michael is still alive. He's still breathing. There's a chance he'll make it through this.

     "Excuse me ma'am," Chance's voice cracks. The woman looks up,"Do you know how Drew Ramos is doing?"

     "And you are...," she trails off, not wanting to give the information to a total stranger.

     " friend," Chance almost breaks saying that.

     "I'm sorry, but I can't give any information out. I know none," the woman admits sadly. Chance nods and walks away, head in his hands. I'm in intense panic mode right now. This isn't good. I can already sense that there's going to be a lot of loss tonight.


Sergio's POV

     I sit by Madeline, Dena, Amelia, and Chance. Chance is completely silent, tears falling slowly from his face. Amelia is completely torn apart. I'm a mess too. A nurse walks out, head down. No, oh no.

     "Mrs. Smith, can I talk to you?" she takes Dena away, and I can feel a pit form in the bottom of my stomach. This isn't happening. My band mates, my new friends, aren't dying. They can't be. Amelia starts sobbing as soon as Michael's mom walks away, so I wrap my arms around her and try to hold it together.

     "He's gone, isn't he?" she hiccups. I can't answer that question.

     "I don't know," is my scarce response.

     "He can't leave. I've felt something strong for this boy for four years. He can't leave," her voice is horse and rough. Dena walks back, head low, and sits down. Madeline puts a hand on her hand.

     "What did they say?" she asks quietly and considerately.

     "He has to undergo an emergency surgery. He was impaled with a piece of metal, and they need to remove it," she sadly states. Madeline hugs her.

     "Our boys will be fine," is all she can muster out before sitting back up again. Another nurse walks out, sadly, and goes over to a mom, who I believe is Dorian's. The woman starts uncontrollably sobbing. I can only assume one thing, another one of them died.

     That means half of the boys that were on that bus have died so far.

     That means half of the boys that were on that bus have died so far

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So that just happened.

This was written last night at like one in the morning, but I decided to hold off to post it cause I'm evil.

Anyways, of say this has like 2-4 chapters left, so hold on tight. I've had the final scene planned out since October so 😬

Love you guys

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