Chapter 34

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Michael's POV

     "Wake up," I whisper in Bella's ear, lightly shaking her. We just landed, so we need to get off the plane now. Bella fell asleep within the first fifteen minutes of the flight to avoid all of the jokes people were throwing at us.

     "Let me sleep," Bella grumbles, snuggling into my side with her arms still wrapped around me.

      "But we're here," I kiss her forehead. She opens one of her eyes while keeping the other one closed.

      "Can you carry me?" she asks hopefully, her voice slightly gravely from her nap.

      "You want me to carry you off the plane, through the airport, and down the escalator?" I clarify. Her face turns red even though she's in this tired state.

     "Possibly," she murmurs. My arms reach under her legs and her back, and I pick her up.

     "You're lucky you're you," I smile as she wraps her arms around the back of my neck. She rests her head on my chest and yawns, crinkling up her little nose. This girl is, no doubt, one of the most adorable people I've ever met.

     "Whipped," Drew murmurs between coughs. I glare at him.

     "Shut up," I roll my eyes. It's a struggle to hold Bella, grab our carry on bags, and hold them all at the same time, but I somehow manage.

     "Yeah Drew, shut up," Bella murmurs sleepily. Yep, I have a keeper. I carry Bella off the plane and through the terminal. Several people shoot me weird looks, but to be honest, I really don't care.

     "Hey Michael, you might want to put Bella down before we get to the baggage claim," Stone suggests as he walks past me.

     "Why?" Bella looks so comfy that I would hate to put her down.

     "Well, my dad is kind of picking us up from the baggage claim...," Stone trails off, and I panic.

     "Bella, you have to walk now," I tell her. She groans.

     "But walking is exercise, which isn't really my forte," she looks up at me, her eyes open now. Even though she's awake, she still looks sleepy.

     "Dad'll be able to see us in a minute, and the last thing you want is for him to think there's something going on between you and this one," Stone points to me.

     "Thank you for carrying me," Bella smiles up at me. I set her down on her feet, but I keep carrying her bag.

       "Oh Bella, be careful for Tif. She'll report anything she sees to dad," Stone groans, making Bella groan.

      "Tiffany is my younger sister that lives with my dad. She's spoiled like crazy, and she's only 14. I swear, she'd sell her soul if it'd please my dad," Bella rolls her eyes. Stone nods in agreement. The twelve of us, in this big mob, make our way to the baggage claim, making our way down the escalator. Down there, a man in this fancy suit waits along with a girl, who looks like she's Bella's age, wearing one of the most revealing outfits known to man with some Starbucks in her hand.

     "Jennifer!" the man calls in a deep and gravely voice, hugging onto Mrs. Martin. Then, he does something I know Bella isn't expecting. He kisses her straight on the lips. Bella swallows and turns her head away from them.

     "Oh Cristopher," Mrs. Martin replies, making Bella's face scrunch up in disgust. I've never seen anyone more uncomfortable with their parents kissing.

     "I guess they're on," I laugh quietly to Bella. She sighs. Her parents disconnect their kiss and turn to us.

     "You guys should go get your luggage. Oh, and Tiffany get your siblings suitcases, so I can talk to them," he shoos his youngest daughter and the rest of us off.

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