Chapter 27

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Bella's POV

     "I can't believe homecoming is in three days," I admit while walking through the halls with Michael. I have a free period next period, which I spend in my mom's room, so both of us are walking over to Michael's class.

     "Have you ever gone before?" he asks, fixing the little flower crown I made for him. Let me tell you, I've never seen anyone look so adorable in a flower crown.

     "Nope. I was always scared," I admit, still walking next to him.

     "Scared?" he follows up. I nod, biting my lip.

     "Well, back at my old school, more people hated me than here. Hell, even my brother acted like he hated me. I was scared I'd show up, and those cliche things in movies where the girl is pranked would happen. I don't know. I was just superstitious. How about you?" I change the subject, smiling up at him.

     "I went my freshman year with a group of people. That was the last year Drew went," Michael responds casually, smiling back at me.

     "You didn't go last year?" I ask. He shakes his head.

      "There was too much going on, but I'm beyond happy I'm going this year," he responds slyly, wrapping an arm around me. My breath hitches as my face quickly reddens. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this.

      "So am I. Are any of the other guys coming?" I try to regain my composure as quick as possible. Michael shrugs.

     "Not to my knowledge. Brady might, just since he's Brady, but other than that I wouldn't say so," Michael answers as we turn down another hallway. His class is just at the end of this hall.

     "Oh, why don't they go?" I ask him another question. Michael and I get lots of weird looks and glares as we walk.

      Michael has been blessed by the gift of being able to ignore people easily and not let what people say get to him. Myself, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. I take what other people say about me into consideration way too much. It's always floating on my mind. These people put me on edge as they glare the two of us down.

     "They think they could be using their time better, and that's like... the breeding ground for fights," Michael shrugs. Too soon, we reach his classroom.

     "Have as much fun as you can," I smile, quickly hugging him.

     "Of course, because I love classes with Chance, Amelia, Miles, Sara, and Mikey in them," he glares into the class where several of them are already sitting.

     "Well, I wish you the best of luck. I'll see you after class," I smile. He walks into the class as I walk away. It seems as if the glares are worse now, so I try to hurry over to my locker. The sooner I get to my locker, the sooner I can get to my books. The sooner I can get to my books, the sooner I can get to my mom's room.

      I reach my locker several minutes after the bell rings. It is across campus after all. When I reach my locker, I gasp. Rose petals are spread in front of my locker, a flower taped to my locker. I approach slowly, not wanting to mess anything up. I know for a fact it wasn't Michael who did this. I was with him all day. As I open my locker, a letter falls out. I was right, it's not the cursive writing of my boyfriend, but rather some scribbles.

     You don't know how beautiful you are inside and out. I can show you if you let me take you to homecoming

      - your used to be secret admirer xoxo

    NMy eyebrows are furrowed as I reread the note. Used to be? I still don't know who it is. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm going with Michael. I want to go with Michael. I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. As a reflex, I turn around and gasp.

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