Chapter 29

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Sergio's POV

      I quickly fix my hair before walking out into the open room where my friends wait. Tonight is the night we've been waiting for, homecoming. Currently, we are waiting for Sara, Courtney, and another special guest. Everyone else is here.

      Chance, Devin, Skyler, and Alex are hanging out in their regular side group, Devin and Chance taking pictures of all of them. Miles and Jay are hanging out against the wall with Amelia right next to Miles, his arm wrapped around her and hand on her hip. Neither of them seem necessarily excited to be going together. It seems like that once perfect relationship is nearing the end.

      Cameron is standing off with Mikey and Marcus, Mikey waiting intently for Courtney as Cameron as Marcus joke around. He's been looking around at school for her to ask her, but she always seems to disappear. Gavin is talking to Bloom, Andrew's girlfriend all over him. Gavin actually recently got a girlfriend who he is taking. Her name is Amethyst. They met during one of his classes, Algebra two I believe, and hit it off. I'm happy for him.

      "Sergibro!" Marcus yells as soon as he sees me. I quickly jog over to their little group. Mikey is still out of it.

       "She'll say yes man, don't worry," I pat him on the back. He sighs and shakes his head.

      "I don't know. I just feel like she won't," he fixes his hair quickly.

      "She's blind if she does," I simply shrug. It's true though. Mikey is the ideal boyfriend. He would treat her better than anyone else could.

      "Oh Sergio, I forgot to ask if you were going with someone," Marcus brings up casually. I smile.

     "Well, I might have a date," I state bashfully. Cameron, Marcus, and Mikey all smile.

     "Who's the lucky lady?" Cameron nudges my shoulder and winks. I go to answer, but the door opens, and in comes my date. She is wearing a short red dress that fits her perfectly. Her brown hair floods over her shoulders perfectly. Mikey and Marcus seem shocked when they see her, and Cameron seems confused at their expressions.

      "Hi Em," I smile, hugging her. She quickly hugs me back. Emily and I have been constantly texting since the night of the competition, and we've gotten close. She's not my girlfriend, just my date, but it could possibly get that far.

      "Hi Serg. Oh, I know you two. You're in one of the bands that stayed in the competition," she claps when she sees Mikey and Marcus. They nod.

      "Yeah, we're in New Element," Mikey nods. "I'm Mikey." He sticks out his hand for her to shake it, and she happily accepts it.

     "Hi Mikey. I'm Emily," she addresses Mikey.

      "I'm Marcus, and this is Cameron," Marcus introduces him and Cameron. She waves right before Sara skips into the room, wearing a tight, super short dress. Mikey's face lights up, but quickly gains disappointment when no one follows her into the room.

      "I'm sorry I was late. I had to redo my makeup," she brushes her hair over her shoulder, smiling over at Amelia. They are best friends now, after all.

      "Where's Courtney?" Mikey asks, disappointment laced in his tone.

      "She's apparently not coming with us tonight. My dad practically dragged me out of the house and into the car, so I couldn't ask her. He just told me that she wasn't coming with me," she shrugs, going over into her mini group with Amelia, Miles, and Jay.

      "That's everyone. Let's go," Chance announces, putting on a pair of sunglasses for some reason, and walking towards the door while holding Alex's hand. Devin and Skyler quickly follows. After them, everyone else floods out.

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