Chapter 9

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Chance's POV

      "Alex!" I yell as my girlfriend jumps into my arms. I haven't seen her since the beginning of summer, so it feels good to finally see her. I peck her lips before smiling.

     "It sucked being apart for so long," Alex sighs before an even bigger smile breaks onto her face as she's still in my arms. "Guess what."

      "What," I reply, the anticipation eating me up.

     "Both Skyler and I are switching schools to go to your school!" She exclaims, making me cheer. I lift her up in the air and spin her around in that cliche couple way before setting her down and brushing a strand of her long brown hair behind one of her ears.

     "Are you serious?"I ask, and she quickly nods.

      "That's why I stoped by this early in the morning to tell you," she informs me, glowing.

     "Oh my gosh you don't even know how excited I am," I exclaim, holding her tight in my arms.

      "Maybe I do," she remarks, making me playfully roll my eyes.

     "Cool down there Ms. Sassy," I joke, making her laugh.

     Will you show me around the school?" she asks, and I happily nod.


Amelia's POV

      It's no shock to me that Miles is done with me. I can just tell. He only uses me as a toy for pleasure and show now before he goes over and flirts with Sara. I had "potential" to him when I was a freshman, but apparently I haven't lived up to his expectations. I've eavesdropped on him talking about me to some of the other guys. Apparently, I'm not "curvy" enough for him. I understand I am a literal ruler, but he doesn't need to bring it up.

     Sooner or later, he's going to leave me for Sara. He looks at her with such a hunger in his eyes, and it fills me with pure rage and defeat. Even since the first day of my relationship, he's used me. It's not like he actually cares about me. I tried to convince myself, but it's clear as day now. Sometimes, I forget why I ever started dating Miles, but whenever I think of it, it always comes back to one person, Michael Conor.

     All I wanted my whole freshman year was for him to like me, for him to notice me, but it never happened. Whenever I tried to talk to him, I'd chicken out last minute. I just wanted him to be mine, but then another opportunity came up, Miles. He approached me himself and initially made me feel special, like a princess. It was just a facade to me to get Michael's attention, but I ended up liking feeling special. Now, I feel like a worn out shoe.

     All I'm known for now is being his personal toy who clings onto his arm while obeying his every command. I want to be something more than that, more than just a toy. I want to mean something to my partner, to be someone they can rely on and lean on. I want a relationship where I can trust my parter won't be found in the girls toying with some girl. I want to be with someone like Michael.


Sara's POV

     "Hey Miles," I smile, walking in line next to him. He looks at me.

     "Hi Sara," he breathes in a sort of husky voice, making my breath slightly hitch.

      "What are you doing after school today?" I ask, having nothing going on today. It would be better to spend my afternoon with someone else than sitting there bored.

      "I don't know. What do you have planned?" he answers, running a hand through his messy brown hair.

      "I have nothing planned," I say, my voice rising to a higher pitch. He laughs smoothly yet rockily.

     "Well maybe we can change that," he whispers in my ear. He lightly tugs on the bottom of my earlobe with his teeth, driving me insane.

     "Possibly," I smirk suggestively, placing a hand on his bicep. He quickly looks around the hallway before pulling me into the janitors closet. His strong hands push me against the walls in there. He places his hands on my waist, his fingers digging under my shirt material.

     "There's always been something different about you Sara. Did you know that? You caught my attention from day one, when you walked in and you acted like you owned the place. Then, every day, you caught my attention even more," he breathes, leaving kisses up my jawline.

      "The way you would sway those sweet hips of yours while walking down the hall," he teases huskily, and before I know it, I don't even know what I'm doing.


Michael's POV

     "Our lab group is amazing," I admit, looking at the four of us. It's Bella, Brady, Courtney, and myself. Courtney seems cool enough since she seems like a girl Brady that is nothing like Sara. Courtney doesn't even seem to like Sara that much anyways. Brady looks slightly on edge, so I nudge his shoulder.

     "Relax. Drew won't actually hurt you it's Drew. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He's just a big case of empty threats," I tell him, and he looks right up at me. We awkwardly stare at each other before the teacher walks over to us.

      "This group is not happening," she announces, looking at the four of us.

      "Did we do something wrong?" Bella asks, but she shakes her head.

       "Group work is used to balance out grades and having all four of the good kids in one group isn't helping. Michael and Bella go move into Amelia and Sergio's group and kick out the other two members to come over here," she commands us. The two of us groan, leaving the other two.

      "Have fun," I wave at Brady before we switch lab groups. Amelia looks flustered and Sergio just looks tired.

      "W-why are you guys here?" Amelia asks weirdly, glaring at Bella.

     "The teacher made us come over here to join this group," Bella answers her, giving her a glare back. I yawn, leaning my head on the table.

      "We were with Brady," I add in sleepily. Suddenly, a loud slam is heard on the other side of the wall, making me jerk up.

       "Michael and Amelia go check what that noise was," she commands, making Bella groan.

      "Don't leave me stranded," she sighs as I get up. I frown.

      "I'll be right back," I high five her before walking out of the room awkwardly with Amelia. She sighs before looking right at me.

     "I'm so sorry," she apologizes, making me look at her.

      "For what?" I ask. She hasn't directly been a jerk to me.

      "Miles. He's just always such a dick to you, and I'm sorry. You don't deserve that," she sighs sympathetically.

      "After a year you get used to it," I shrug, not caring much about the matter anymore.

      "It's not fair towards you. You haven't done anything to him," she defends her point. Suddenly, there is another loud crash in the janitor's closet.

      "I personally feel bad for you. You need to date him," I joke, making her smile. My hand grasps the doorknob, my wrist slowly rotating to open the door. Right as I open the door, a scream is heard.

 Right as I open the door, a scream is heard

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Any predictions 

Also, who is your favorite member of IRL? It's tooootaaally impossible to guess mine

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