Chapter 43

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Sergio's POV

      It's been five hours, five whole hours, and no one has walked through those doors. No nurses, doctors, anyone. At one in the morning, Michael's siblings went back home. Only his mom and dad are still here. The parents who have, sadly, lost their children have already gone home to grieve.

     "Excuse me," a man, dressed in security guard wear, walks over. "Why is there a mob of teenage girls outside?" I turn to look, and there is a huge crowd of girls being held outside the hospital with posters and bags.

      "I can deal with that. I'm sorry," Chance softly admits, trying to be quiet. The man leaves. Chance makes me stand up with him, and he walks away from everyone else to an empty space. Amelia follows.

     "What're you doing?" I ask as Chance pulls out his phone.

     "We have to get them to leave. I'm going to get them to leave," he starts a live. Really, right now? "Okay guys, Sergio and I are here, and we have to go over some stuff."

     "This isn't going to be a fun live guys. Please don't comment immature stuff," I sniffle. It's obvious both Chance and I have been crying.

     "Okay, so as many of you guys know, Michael, Brady, and Drew are in academic league. Well, it was dark, and they were coming home from the meet that was some ways away in a bus," Chance is starting to tear up again, and I hug him. "The bus got in a crash, a really bad one. It's been around six hours since the crash, and no one has woken up yet." Chance wipes the tears away discreetly.

     "Several lives have been lost, and they're all friends of the other guys," I have to add in.

     "Yeah. Drew, Michael, and Brady are all still breathing, but are unconscious. We don't know when or if they're going to wake up," Chance actively starts crying, as do I. I hug him for support. Comments are flooding in.

      "Where's Bella? Isn't she in academic league?" I read the comment out loud, and I look at Chance. It's totally gone over my mind that Michael's girlfriend was neither on the bus or here.

      "She wasn't on the bus, and she isn't here. I don't know," Chance looks around. I'd expect Bella to be the first person here, forcing her way into his room to see Michael, but she's not even around.

      "Anyways, I saw a comment about our future on the show," I look at Chance. He nods for me to keep going. "The next performance is in a month and a half. Realistically, I don't think that our group can recover from this guys. If we do, by the slim chance, we're not going to have some elaborate performance. Even that's not probable. We aren't going on without all five of us." The tears keep falling. If one of the guys doesn't make it, none of us will perform.

     "And guys, please, in respect of the boys and their families, please don't swarm the hotel. One of the guards had to come talk to us about it. This is the last thing us, the hospital, and the parents here need. Please go home. We love you guys, but right now, we need to be left alone," Chance adds in. He ends the live just when someone emerges from the despicable doors. They walk over to Coleen, talk to her, and pull away her, Sean, and all three of Brady's siblings. They go into the room. Courtney rushes over, and Amelia hugs her.

       "He's awake," she whispers, and Amelia smiles, but her eyes still look upset. I smile too. Chance looks relieved, but he's still sad.

      "That's amazing," Amelia says quietly. Courtney nods.

      "They need to talk to him though, investigators. They don't think the crash was an accident. The whole other vehicle apparently disappeared before the ambulance showed up," she says quietly. My eyes widen. Amelia's jaw drops. Chance looks pissed off.

      "Why aren't you back there?" I change the subject. I don't want to think that my band mates were attacked.

      "His family is going back first. I get to go in once they're done."


Brady's POV

      My head is pounding, a sharp pain flooding through it. My left arm is trapped in a cast up to right below my shoulder. My left foot is restrained in a cast all the way up to my mid calve. A neck brace is secure around my neck. Some of my ribs are cracked as well.

      "I love you," my mom kisses my forehead one last time. She's been all over me for the past 30 minutes.

      "I love you too mom," I smile, but that hurts my head, so my face falls flat again. She walks out of the room, and I close my eyes. My mind is flooding with information. That moment is replaying over and over on my mind, the crashing into the seat, the never ending darkness I didn't think I could escape from. It was there for so long. There are other things, however, I don't know, and my mom wouldn't tell me.

     "Brady," I'm surprised by the sweet, melodic voice of my girlfriend. My eyes automatically fly open, and I smile. It hurts, but I can't fight it. It's just a reflex.

      "Hey," my voice is messed up. I know it. It's all gravely and odd. I must've inhaled a ton of smoke.

     "I've been so worried about you," she admits, walking over and resting her hand in my casted one. I try to move my hand to hold her's, but I can't.

      "I'm fine now. The doctor said my bones will heal within six weeks," I try to ease her worrying, but it doesn't seem to.

     "Are you sure?" she questions. I lightly smile.

      "100%," I confirm, and she kisses my forehead. "Courtney." Maybe, just maybe, I can actually ask questions and get answers this time.

      "Yeah," she pulls a chair over from the wall and moves it next to me, now on the side without my arm cast, and holds my hand.

     "How are the other guys?" I quietly, fragilely ask. Her facial expression drops.

      "You're the only conscious one," she tells me. That's more than my mom told me. I was told that the extra stress wouldn't help, but it's more stress wondering. I would prefer to know what's happening to my friends than be in the dark.

      "So the rest of them are unconscious?" I question. I'm missing something. My mom would tell me that.

      "Okay, when I tell you this, please don't try to hold anything in," Courtney looks at me, giving my hand a nice squeeze.

       "Okay," I answer hesitantly.

       "At the moment, only two other boys beside you are still alive. One of the other guys passed away ten minutes after you woke up, and the rest before that," she tells me hesitantly. As soon as the first sentence leaves her mouth, I start to sob, even though it hurts like hell. This couldn't have happened. We're a family, and a family can't go on without 62.5% of it. Courtney hugs me, ever so lightly, and I continue sobbing for the next five minutes.

     "Why?" escapes my mouth after the five minute sob fest.

     "I don't know Brady. I really don't know."


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two chapters left in this book. I know exactly what's going to happen

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