Chapter 28

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Bella's POV

      My mom got Michael a pass, so he could "go home," and she took me out early. Currently, the two of us are sitting at the playground at a random park on the swings. I'm giving him some time to cool down before he starts taking again. It's been silent for about ten minutes. It's not awkward silence, but I'm starting to get anxious. Out of nowhere, he sighs.

     "I'm ready," he suddenly announces, looking over at me with his stunning, but fake, eyes.

     "Okay. If you ever want to stop, do. I don't want to pressure you," I convince him, and he lightly smiles.

      "Will do... Okay, it all started when my family first moved here. I can't really remember much, since I was one at the time, so the begging part of this is going to be based off of things my parents told me.

     My family, aka my parents and I at the time, moved here from Cleveland. My dad got a work opportunity here, so he took it. My life was normal enough, just like any other one year old. As I started getting older, about three and four, my parents started setting up play dates," he smiles at the end, his dimples popping up out of nowhere.

     "First, it was with the boy across the street, aka Miles. We became friends, but it was weird. Even as kids we competed for everything. It wasn't even like it was important, we just did. Miles eventually turned to kicking me while were playing in order to win, since I always won, so my parent sought out a better option. My dad was always busy, and my mom was taking care of my sister.

     That's when they started sending me over to the Coleman's, our next door neighbors. They had a thirteen year old son, Calvin, an eight year old daughter, Elizabeth, a four year old daughter, Abigail, and a two year old, Anna. Both of our families ended up becoming so close that it was like we had one giant house instead of two separate houses. Abigail would always end up playing with me. We took turns deciding what we would play. One day it was pirates, the next was princesses.

     We quickly became best friends. All throughout elementary school, it was just the two of us. We were usually put into the same class each year. I don't know if our parents requested it or what, but from kindergarten to the fifth grade, we never had to be apart. It was the life," he glows, recalling the memories of his youth. I can already sense where this story is going since I have never heard of or seen Abigail, but I can't place Miles anywhere in there.

     "Oh, but the story really starts in middle school. Sixth grade, I'd say for myself, was the exact same. We were inseparable the whole time. I mean, we were with most of these people before, and all of the other grades isolated the sixth graders while the seventh and eighth graders became friends with each other. The seventh grade was when everything started up," Michael sighs, doing this little thing with his lip where he takes his fingers and fidgets with his bottom lip. (A/N we all know that little thing he does during lives)

      "So, Abby apparently hit puberty really early. I didn't notice, but you can tell if you look back at pictures and stuff. This made her really appealing to the 'popular' kids one would say. They started pursuing her, trying to get her to join their group. She still kept hanging out with me though.

     As soon as the noticed that they'd need to take both of us, they did. We joined the group with Chance, Drew, both Andrews, Cam, Jon, Cameron, Mikey, Gavin, Amelia, Devin, Emma, various other random girls, and Miles. 

     At that point, I only vaguely remembered Miles. All I could remember is that he came over to my house several times when I was little. I tried to form a bond with him, like I was doing with everyone else, but Miles had no intentions of being my friend. I accepted that," he shrugs, getting into the story. I can tell that this story is going to pick up soon, very soon, and it's going to get intense really quick. I grab onto his hand to comfort him before this gets really hard. He quickly intertwines our fingers.

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