Pt. 1: The Return!

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Guyssss it my new book!!! Ahhh I can't wait for you guys to read this!
Erika's POV:

As soon as I finished "talking" to Jake, I started to cry then a miracle of some sorts happened. Logan walked in with a grin on his face. He immediately went to a sad face when he saw me. I looked up at him and ran to him and started to cry on him. He said,

L- hey no reason to cry we got revenge!
E- yeah I know that but Logan what about your little brother, what about my boyfriend Logan what is going to happen!
L- I don't know Erika but what ever will happen might be good!
E- what do you mean by that?!

Logans POV:

Little did Erika know while she was talking to me Jake woke up and immediately recognized Erika and I. I told him to keep quite until I said so.

Erika's POV:

After I asked Logan what he meant he told me to turn around. When I turned around I saw Jake with his arms open. I ran up to him and started to cry!

E- omg your alive. I started to kiss him and he kissed back.
J- well hello to you too!
E- I missed you sm!
J- I can see.

I jumped and let him see Logan.

L- hey bro good to see you up and alive!
J- omg guys I didn't die!
E- it felt like it!
J- omg! Love you guys too!
E- love you moreee!
L- bro go sit down cause I don't think the doctor would like to see you up and moving.
J- true true

Jake goes and sits down while we get back to talking

J- hey guys question?
E and L- yeah!
J- did Lo and Kade leave?
E- Kade didn't leave but Lo had to for family reasons.
J- oh and another question, what was the whole Brock situation bro?
L- oh I punched him 4-5 times and he blacked out and had a bloody nose with two black eyes!
J- good job bro
E- I wish you did worse
J- Erika!!
E- what?!
J- that's why I love you.

We all start laughing and I go and sit on Jake's bed with him. We keep talking until we hear a few knocks....

Guys if you are reading this with out reading the first book please read that then come back here and read this. But thank you for reading love you goats so much!!

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