Pt. 30: Tickle!

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Recap: We all were downstairs make breakfast when we all got startled by tons of laughter.......
Jake's POV:

I was awoken in the middle of the night a few times. One by Erika moving closer to me, two by Dani rolling onto me. I then was woken up again by Dani moving around. I guess she was waking up so I woke up and checked the time to see it was 11:30. Dani looked me straight in my eyes and I said...

J- good morning!
D- Morning!

I guessed we woke up Erika too cause she rolled over and looked me in the face. I leaned in and kissed her.

E- well good morning!
J- morning!
D- I'm bored!
J- wanna do something fun?!
D- yess
E- like what?
J- guess?
D- powderpuff girls?
E- yess!
J- nope!
D- I don't know?
J- this...

As soon as I said that I started to tickle Dani. Then I went to Erika and tickled her. We kept on laughing. I then picked up Dani and tossed her in the air. I then got of the bed and lightly threw her on the bed. I then went back to tickling both of them. Then Erika made a really funny joke and we all burst out laughing. We then hear a lot of footsteps come from outsides the doors. We just keep on laughing and stop when everyone's barges in the room. Dani then goes back to laughing. Erika and I then do the same.

E- it's like I can't stop.
J- samee
A- um, ok well while you guys were up acting like a family. We made pancakes.
E- what do you mean by acting like a family.
C- look.

They showed us their phones and showed us all lying down together. We all awed at the same time.

J- well Dani you want food?
D- yess!
J- you wanna go out?
Morgan- hey as long as you bring me she can go.
E- that was just what I wanted to ask you.
J- ok be ready in 30 mins we are going out somewhere.
Angel- you take them cause I want to get to know everyone better.
E- great mom!

Erika's POV:

I kissed mom on the check and headed down stairs with Dani and Morgan. I sat on my bed for a few mins just thinking about that picture everyone has.

Our relationship hasn't gone public yet. Even tho he is starting a YouTube channel and is on vine. Nobody sees our relationship. I know that one day I want to have a family with Jake and grow old with him.

I was rudely interrupted by Dani's and Morgan's hands waving in front of my face. We then got back to getting ready and by the time we opened the door the house was......

Ok guys so Ik that this is short but it's bc I had a basketball game so I was so tired. But thank you for reading! Love ya💗

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