Pt. 6: Hurt?

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Recap: T- Erika look at your ankle...
Erika's POV:

I look down and see my ankle swelled up like the size of a softball.

J- omg babe!!
E- I'm fine.
J- no your not!
E- yes I am, now I'm going to get dressed.

I get up and climb over the couch. I get over and start to walk to my door, but when I put pressure on it, it hurts but I don't let it show. I walk to my room and get dressed in this

Tessa is also wearing the same outfit in the pic

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Tessa is also wearing the same outfit in the pic.

Tessa is also wearing the same outfit in the pic

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Alissa wore this

Chanthony wore this

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Chanthony wore this

Chanthony wore this

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Tristan wore this

Nick wore this but don't mind Kade

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Nick wore this but don't mind Kade

Nick wore this but don't mind Kade

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And Jake wore this. Don't mind Erika.

I walked out and the boys were ready we were just waiting on Tessa and Alissa.

J- guys hurry up before we leave!!

After Jake said that they both ran down the stairs.

C- man Tessa can run on the steps in heels and I can't even run down them with out falling😂
T- it takes talent, not like you have any😂
C- heyyy!!
J- nice roast tess!
T- thanks big bro!
N- ok can we just get going in starving!
Al- sameee
K- let's get moving then!

We head out and I'm still walking/limping but not trying to show any pain. We get in all get in the 2 cars we have which were Tristan's and Jake's truck. We head to Taco Bell and go inside. We finish eating. But I'm still hungry so we head back to the cars and Jake starts leading. I look back at Tessa and give her "the face" she gives me "the face" back.

E- babe?!
J- yes baby?
E- can we get fro yo?
J- yes cause now I want some!
E- love ya
J- love ya more.

Jake then does a sharp turn to go to the grove. I look behind me and see Tristan doing the same he then texts me cause he doesn't want to bother Jake.

Tristan🤙🏽- what was that all about?
Rik🐐- we want froyo!
Tristan🤙🏽- oh, well then
Rik🐐- yeah, so deal with it!

We then headed to the froyo place and walked in. We went in and I got my froyo. I then waited for everyone else. Tessa came and sat across from me and the Jake sat beside me and Chance across from him. Everyone finished up and we walked out. The girls were in front and the boys behind us.

T- hey E?
E- yeah T?
Al- um are you okay Erika?
T- like w/ your ankle?
E- yeah.
Al- be honest...
E- ok maybe i don't know, it is just swelled so we will see how it is tomorrow.
Al- if you say so.
T- yep.

We all hop in our cars and by the time we get home it's 9:30 and I'm exhausted. All I can think about is sleep but I have work to do. So I head into my bed room throw on some comfy clothes and head into the office. I start to work and sook enough it's 1 am and I'm almost done. I was about 3/4 of the way being done when I fell asleep in my chair.

Jake's POV:

It's 2am and I couldn't sleep so I thought I would get milk and head into Erika's room to cuddle with her. I get my milk and head into her room to see her not there, I walk into the office to see Erika asleep with her feet on my chair which was across from mine. I then picked her up and carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed. I carefully got in the bed too trying not to wake her up and lay down. I get comfortable and as soon as I start to go fall asleep Erika wraps her whole body around me.


It's about 5 am when I am woken up by a very loud bloody murder scream.....

Ahhhhh guysssss I hope you enjoyed!! I stayed home from school to write!! Tell me what you guys want to see. I was writing this, I then took a break and started to rewatch Riverdale for the 50th time but I was in tears! But thanks for reading ly!!

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