Pt. 50: Bully

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It's the last chapter!! Ahhh let's get right into it
Recap: Erika and I are currently just laying in bed when all of the sudden we hear this big death scream...
Erika's POV:

I shoot up not knowing who or what it was. I look back at Jake and he was looking at me, we run down the stairs to see Tessa painting very heavily and pressing against the door. Everyone was heading out their door and Chance was trying to comfort her.

C- babe? What's wrong..?
C- baby you can tell me anything...
C- Tessa...

He kept on repeating what he was saying. We all head down the stairs, jake and I run up to her cause we've known her the longest.

J- little sis, what's wrong?

I grabbed her hands and pulled her into a hug. She then started to cry into my shoulder.

E- T, you can tell me what's wrong.
T- it's Brooklyn
J- wait what?!
T- high school bully.
E- ughhhh, what are we going to do?
J- I think I have a clue.
T- what..?
J- Tessa head up stairs and watch a movie with Chance. Nick do "work" but do a research on her. Everyone else act normal expect for tony and Alissa you guys need to keep everything under control. Wait Kade can you get like recorders to record anything said? Also Erika we're talking to her. Okay?
X- okay!

We all break, I grab Jake's hand a squeeze it. We look each other in the eyes and we open the door wide enough to where she can see our bodies.


J- hey Brooklyn..!
B- Jake! How are you! Erika!
E- hey Brooklyn, we're good.
B- um do you mind if I come in?
J- no not at all!

We walk in and she starts to question a lot of things.

B- what is this place?
J- the team ten house!
B- team ten?
E- here let's sit down and we can talk about it!

We head into the dinning room and sit with Erika and I are on one side and Brooklyn on the other.

B- so who lives here? There's a lot of people here.
J- oh well this is team ten. We are a group of social media influencers or just influencers. We want to make a difference in kids life.
E- we all work together even tho we have a lot of differences.
B- okay so who lives here?
J- Well there's me, Erika, Chance, Anthony, Lucas, and Marcus Dobre, Nick Crompton, Alissa, and T-
E- Tristan Tales.

I had to cut him off. I couldn't let her know that  Tessa was here.

J- we have other members who don't live here but are apart of the group.
E- there's Alex Lange, Kade, and Mckenzie
B- what about Tessa?
J- Tessa, well she's complicated.
B- oh well then.
E- well that's basically our life.
B- well let me just say, Jake you look really hot nowadays.
E- excuse me?!
B- I said that Jake looks hot, do you have a problem.
E- of course I have a problem bi*ch.

Alissa cut in trying to calm me down cause I was pissed.

Al- Erika calm down...
E- Lissa I will not calm the fu*k down.
B- bro wtf is your problem. I just called Jake hot.

Chance and Tessa were down at the end of the stairs at this point.

E- ughhhhh!!!

I walked away and went into my room. I slammed the door. I sat on the edge of my bed crying, in all ball. Why do people always want to ruin Jake's and i' relationship?

Jake's POV:

I stood up and quickly walked away from Brooklyn. I moved my hand and told Chessa to go back upstairs. I went to Erika's door and knocked. It didn't budge.

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