Pt. 11: Coming Back?

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Recap: I get up and kiss him. He was asking me what the plan was but I knew what it was. I'm going back to Nashville to say my final goodbye.....
Erika's POV:

I didn't tell Jake about the plan. My plan was to leave as soon as everyone was asleep head to Nashville and say good bye. It was about 2am when everyone was asleep and I was still up cause my flight leaves at 3. I'm the only one going. I hope that this goes well and goes as planed. I head to get coffee first and head to the airport. I get to the airport and wait for my flight. As soon as I get on I fall asleep. By the time I land it's 9 in Nashville and 6 back in LA.
I get an Uber and head to my parents house. Yes we moved from Ohio to Nashville. I don't really get why but oh well. I pull up to my parents house and knock on the door.

Angel- hold on let me get the doo... Erika?!
E- mom!
Dan- what are you doing here?
E- I heard about grandma and I came to say goodbye.
Dan- what about Jake. I've always like the boy.
E- thanks dan and I didn't tell him. I turned off my phone for a day or two to just spend quality time with my family.
Angel- awww well come on in we are about to head over to the hospital.
E- ok

We all hop in the car and head over to you hospital. We all head in and we go to Grandmas room. I sit down by her and say a prayer.

*Meanwhile Back at the team ten house*
Jake's POV:

It's 6 am and i just got finish working out I'm on my way home thinking Erika's already been on her run so I go into her room to see her not there. I text her ask

Jakey🤤😍- where are you?
Jakey🤤😍- babe?
Jakey🤤😍- hello answer?

I start to panic I run up Tessa's room to see her in a bikini.

J- um we have a problem?!
T- yeah you are in here when I'm in a bikini!
J- no Erika isn't home!
T- where is she?!
J- I think she is in Nashville!!
T- why would she be in Nashville.

I explain to Tessa why and we call a meeting.

N- so Jake why did you call us here?
J- guys if you heard me screaming last night it's because of this....

I explain and everyone gasp.

Tr- ok so what's wrong?
Tr- maybe?
T- bro she is in Nashville.
J- she won't answer me. So I need the next flight to Nashville because I'm bringing my soulmate home....

Guys I have 2 more days until my birthday!! Ahhhhhh it's so soon!! Ok so I hope you all enjoyed buy if you guys don't know apparently RiceGum is attempting to make a diss track on Jake so? Who knows how that is going to go. But hope you guys enjoyed!! Love ya!!
- Abi🐐☃️

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