Pt. 23: Someone?

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Recap: I have had this made since the day he left cause I couldn't sleep but the plan is.....
Erika's POV:

The plan is whenever he comes home I am buying him a Lamborghini for a day to a week.

A/N like I said first chapter some events will be real have something to do with it for it or not true at all. Ok back to the story.

I was also going to take us out to a very fancy restaurant....and pay. He never lets me pay...., just thinking of him makes me break down in tears. I keep on texting him but he doesn't answer and I don't think he looks at them.

A/N ok just want to put it out there. So if I have texting in the story and they have weird names. It means that's what the other person has them in their phone as. Like Jake might have Tessa in as Little Sis and Tessa might have Jake in as big bro 2. So when Tessa's speaking little sis is what she would be as and Jake as big bro 2. Just wanted to get that out there cause some people were getting confused. Back to the story.

Jake's Phone:
Baby Girl🤤❤️: baby I'm sorry
Baby Girl🤤❤️: I miss you
Baby Girl🤤❤️: it's all my fault.
Baby Girl🤤❤️: I understand if you don't want to talk, I just need to know if you are okay.
Baby Girl🤤❤️: please come home soon.

These texts just kept on going on and on every hour. I can't believe it hasn't been 24 hours. It feels like it tho. I keep on crying and trying to text him by 5 am. It's another day and I hadn't gotten any sleep. Another reckless night with out him. I wish he knew that this hurt me worse than it hurt him. I know I shouldn't do it. I'm barricading my self from the room. If I go in I know it will happen again and it can't happen again. I'm currently on the other side of my room rocking back and forth when my door opened. I look up to see Kade. He runs down to my side like Jake would had always done.

K- Erika is everything alright?
E- I thought about doing it again, that's why I'm over here.
K- omg Erika. You wanna go and eat and then go up to Tessa's room to have a girls day with her.
E- doing what? With the same tone of voice.
K- movies, nails, food, makeup, etc.
E- I'll try
K- that's good attitude.

Kade got me and we walked up to Tessa's room. We knocked on the door to see her doing her hair and she was in comfy clothes.

T- well hey pickle!!
E- hey Bobbie Jean!!!
K- I'll leave you to it!

1 hr later we were already half way through the food we had and were still eating. We were watching Hocus Pocus.  

A/N this was in September when this all happened.

After finishing that and having me recite every fu*king line we started to watch Hannah Montana. We were half way through that when we ran out of food.

Al- guys I can't believe that we just ate all of that.
M- I feel fat
T- ohh stfu you feel bloated.
M- maybe that bc idc
E- you guys wanna get our nails done?
T- yeah you guys just get ready. Erika if you need anything steal my stuff cause we are cleaning rooms today so borrow my stuff for now.

Jake's POV:

while they were watching movies Jake came home and got a shower in the boys room cause if he went into his the girls would hear. While this was happening the whole house was getting cleaned. I secretly went into my room trying to not let anyone hear. I was in my closet when the girls walked out of Tessa's and Alissa's room.  I hid in my closet until they were out the door. I got changed and headed down stairs. I helped cleaning and then when we were done I head a knock on the door, I opened it to see......

Guys I'm literally the worst author EVER!! But if you guys are still reading this, thank you for being by my side with this and sticking to my word. I promise I'm going to get better remember I'm only 13 and this is my second book. If you are still reading thank you for your support..., love you goats to death!! Thank you!

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