Pt. 29: The Dream...

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Recap: She then took a pic but then heard a knock on the door........
Tessa's POV:

I quickly open the door a little bit and see Neels.

Ne- hey, why are you in here?
T- go get every one and it will explain. Bring them up here.
Ne- ok

About 5 mins later he's back and everyone looks dead but Idgf. I tell them to be quiet and we all slowly head in. They all stare in aw and take pics. Dani starts to move and we all rush out and shut the door.

Erika's POV:

I started to have a dream about what my life would be like with Jake later on. It started as him proposing. Next was our wedding, our first dance was to our song "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. Next was me finding out I was pregnant. Then followed me telling everyone I was. Soon we found out that it was twins. Boy + girl. Next was me giving birth. Soon it was the twins 1st birthday and I was secretly pregnant then and was planning to tell them about it. We then had a baby shower and figured out it was a girl. She was then born and they kept on growing up. The twins looked like Jake and I and our youngest looked like Dani. Soon was the kids growing up and Jake and I dying by each other's side. I then got kicked in the stomach. I felt as if I was pregnant. I woke up and felt my stomach but only to tell that it was Dani moving to lie on Jake's stomach. I moved closer to Jake and covered us all with the blanket. I then felt an arm go around me and I cuddled more into Jake. I soon was asleep...again.

Tessa's POV:

It was 12pm and neither Jake, Erika, or Dani were awake. We knew that they were all tried but not that tried. We all were downstairs make breakfast when we all got startled by tons of laughter.......

Ok guys sorry that it's short but I have a basketball game tomorrow so that will explain. New chapter out tomorrow. Thank you for reading and follow me for more updates on my board! Love ya guys! Thank you!!💗💗

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