Pt. 49: Costumes!

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Recap: We burst out laughing but Jake stops and gets a sad face because of....
Jake's POV:

I remember what happened here last time we were here. Let's just hope we don't see..., well to late now, Daisy is our waitress. I think Erika noticed cause she scooted closer to me. She then grabbed my hand and put it above the table.

Daisy- ugh not again, ok but what do you want.
E- um bitch don't act like that agian, do you want a good tip?
Daisy- yes
E- well keep up the attitude and there won't be a fu*king tip.
J- Erika calm down.
E- no! Today is Jerika time and I want it to be perfect!
J- hey, just being here with you is amazing.
Daisy- *fake cough* I'm still here.
J- oh Dr Pepper, Root beer, with 2 waters. Also put mozzarella sticks and jalapeños bites in for appetizers.
Daisy- ok.

She walks away and Erika and I face each other. I stare at her face forever!

E- honestly, I wanted to punch her.
J- really Erika?!
E- hey I wanted today to be perfect.
J- hey! Today's been perfect because I'm with you!
E- I love you!
J- love you more!!

We started to suck each other's faces off *i literally cringed so hard at this😂* we kissed for what felt like 5mins But was about 2. Daisy came back when we were kissing. She faked coughed again. We turned back to her.

Daisy- here's your drinks and appetizers. What would you want for real food.
E- drop the attitude or im dropping the tip.
J- who said you were paying?
E- okay but anyways Can we get a half cheese half pep and sausage pizza. With chicken and fries.
Daisy- is that all?
J- um make the pizza a 12"
Daisy- okay.

She left and we faced each other again. I can't stop staring at Erika. She is so perfect and amazing!

E- babe?!
J- yep?!
E- love you!
J- love you more!

She kissed me and I kissed back. I then came up with a good idea.

J- you wanna go workout together tomorrow morning?
E- yesss! That will be amazing!

We talked for 10 more mins about random stuff. We then got our food and ate. We payed and gave Daisy a little tip. We finally left and by the time we got home it was 8:36pm. We walked in and saw Tessa in crutches. Everyone then looked at Erika and I and said.

X- where were you
N- you couldn't text all day
K- but you could post on Instagram.
C- we were worried sick.
J- I'm sorry can we not have a Jerika day?
Tr- oh that's fine. Hey Can I stay here tonight?
E- sleep in my room then.
Tr- okay.

We then headed upstairs and got changed we laid in bed watching Netflix. We finally finished up Greys and went to NCIS. We are almost done with that but we have a few episodes. Erika then got on my stomach and laid on me. I was rubbing her back until we both slowly fell asleep.

Alissa's POV:

I wanted to ask Jake a question and it was 11:48. Usually he would be awake rn but I guess not. I went into his room to see Erika on top of him with no blanket. I took a picture and posted it on my story. Saying: Look how cute!😻. I walked back out and went down stairs.

Erika's POV:

Jake and I woke up at 5:32 this morning. Of course we got up and went to workout. Well when we came back Jake and I got back into his bed after our showers. We hoped back in our pjs. We laid how we fell asleep last night with me on top of him. We didn't cover up at all but it was fine. We finally fell back asleep.
We were awoken by tons of buzzing. Jake wakes up first and I get awoken by tons of kisses.

E- Goodmorning!
J- I could wake up to your face everyday!
E- I could do the same!

Our phones then buzzed more. We gave each other a confused face and got our phones. We were being tagged in a lot of things. It was Alissa's snapchat story. It was of Jake and I. I'm surprise that everyone could tell that it was us two but we didn't care. He then kissed me. I then got up and grabbed his hand and we walked down stairs hand and hand. By the time we were down stairs everyone was awake. Everyone questioned where we were. We explained where we were and they all had different faces.

E- okay on another note does anyone have Halloween costumes other than Jake and I?
C- Tessa and I are going as Mr and Mrs smith. *fyi if you don't know what that is look it up*
Tr- The twins, Neels, Anthony, nick, Alex and I are going as the green toy army men.

Okay if you didn't know what those are where have you been. I'll show you the army men but not Chessa bc it's to hard to find.

Al- Meg, Ayla and I are going as Disney princesses

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Al- Meg, Ayla and I are going as Disney princesses. Logan is going to be Aylas princes charming.
J- like that would ever happen.
K- McKenzie and I are going as Peter Pan and Wendy.

*okay not to be rude but I swear to god if you haven't see this movie, where have you freaking been?! No offense but just look it up!*

J- well since that's all settled. I have a meeting to go to. So see you guys later.

*time skip over 2 days cause I'm to lazy*

Erika and I are currently just laying in bed when all of the sudden we hear this big death scream...

Ahhh guys the last chapter of this book is soon! I promise I'm making another book. I have so many things planned out for next year and I hope you all enjoy! But thank you so much for reading! Love you all! ❤️

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