Pt. 38: Was It A Dream?'

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The picture above^^ will be used later on in the story. Like a home screen. Recap: We all then went to bed. But I was awoken by.....
Jake's POV:

I was quickly asleep but I got woken up by an alarm going off. I get up and look at the time it was 6:00am, August 18, 2013. I shoot up in a panic and hope that Erika was by my side but she wasn't. I quickly recognized where I was. I was home, in Ohio of course. I get out of bed and rush downstairs. I see my mom in the kitchen and Logan on the couch.

L- Goodmorning little bro.
P- goodmoring honey. Breakfast?
J- uh sure?
P- are you okay honey?
J- idk, just a little shook.
L- bro if you ever need to talk, I'm here bro.
J- thanks but let me get ready and then we can head out.

I head up to my room and look through my photos and contacts. All I get is pictures of the boys and Tessa and I, same with the contacts expect some of it's family too. I put my hands in my head and just sat there thinking what will everyone say about me when I tell them about this dream? I hear a few knocks on my door and I ignore them. I keep on thinking. Why did this happen? Why did I fall in love with Erika and never tell her? I was startled by my door opening to show Logan.

L- bro you ready to.... what's wrong.
J- um, oh, um nothing. Ready to go?
L- we are not leaving until you tell me what wrong.
J- I'm fine Logan.
L- no you aren't Jakey.

He walked up to me sat down next to me and wiped away a tear that was on my check.

J- ok so maybe I'm not fine.
L- Jakey tell me what's wrong?
J- don't call me crazy but I had this dream where I met this pretty amazing girl. She was the girl of my dreams. Well we moved to La during my senior year and 1 and a 1/2 years later she came to La and we became bf and gf. Well there was ups and downs like her abusive bf. People trying to ruin our relationship and then she tried to commit suicide. Well I totally fell in love with this girl and never told her it. I full on wish that it could happen in life but it won't.
L- awe bro. I won't call you crazy but hey maybe you will see her tho. But we have to go cause baby T and her friends need picked up.
J- what about Tristan, Kade, and all of them?
L- they have rides.
J- good.

We walk out of the house and head to Tessa's. She only lived 10 mins away. We pulled into the drive way, I honked the horn. They all ran out. I saw Tessa, Alissa who was basically my twin, and Ayla Logans crush. Ayla also likes Logan cause Alissa Tessa and I were trying to get them together. But anyways we were of to school. We got to the parking lot and a lot of memories flashed back. Everyone got out of the truck and I placed my head on the steering wheel. Everyone's door opened and shut. I kept my head there for about 30 more secs until Tessa said.

T- somethings wrong.
J- what?
T- Jake what's wrong?
J- don't call me crazy....

I told her the whole story about Erika and I and about what happened here. She changed her faces a lot but after I finished she just hugged me.

T- hey maybe you will see her again but for now your stuck with baby T!
J- I mean..

She slapped my arm.

J- owww!
T- sissy! Now come on, before we're late.
J- okay, okay.

We went through the whole school day and Ayla, Tessa, and Alissa came over to work on projects. It was around 7:45 when they left. We cleaned up the mess we made and went to get ready for bed. It was around 8:45 when I went to bed.

*The next day*

I was awoken by a phone call. It was from a Kevin?! I ignored it and let it ring. I closed my eyes and then it finally stopped ringing. I picked up my phone to see a picture of Erika and I. I looked at what day it was and time also. It was 5:37 am, October 16, 2015. Wait what?! I was just in Ohio! No this can't be happening?! Was it just a dream?! Or is this a dream?! I look around and see Erika next to me and I was in a bigger room then what I had in Ohio. I then remembered that it was my room in the team ten house. I smiled and looked at Erika until something happened....

Ahhhh guys I hope you enjoy! Ok just a little shoutout to omgjerika she is such a great writer and I love her stories. Please check her out! Finally all of my Christmas decor is up and running. We stared putting them up the day after thanksgiving and we only have one cheer up rn so I wouldn't count us a done. Make sure you guys follow me so you can see more updates and see my moods and rants a lot more. But thanks for reading! Luv ya!!

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