Pt. 16: Not Agian!

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Recap: N- um someone is at the door and wants you jake.......
Jake's POV:

I wonder who it could be. I carry Erika bridal style out the door by everyone. I put her down and look out the door to see. Neels and the Dobre Twins.
J- Marcus, Lucas, Neels. Great to finally meet all of you!!!

Marcus- Ma Lucas- Lu Neels- Ne

Ma, Lu, Ne- hello everyone.
J- guys this is Marcus Lucas and Neels. Team ten would you like to introduce your selfs?
N- sure I'm Nick the one that you all talked to though email.
C- I'm Chance
A- I'm Anthony
C&A- and together we are Chanthony aka the ratchets. We do videos and other stuff.
T- I'm Tessa and I'm a dance  
Al- I'm Alissa and I model
Tr- I'm Tristan and I love to draw and create videos.
E- well I'm Erika and I model, I am Jake's assistant, and girlfriend.
Everyone expect Erika, Marcus, Lucas, and Neels- she is also the mom of the house.
J- omg but I'm Jake the owner of team ten, I create vines, vlogs, and I also am the CEO
Everyone expect Jake, Marcus, Lucas, and Neels- he is also the dad of the house.
N- would you guys like to introduce your selfs? Come in and sit down while we make hot chocolate or coffee? Make you self comfortable!
Ne, Lu, Ma- okay!

We all walk in and head to couch while Nick makes coffee for me and him and hot coco for the others.

Lu- ok so I'm Lucas
Ma- and I'm Marcus
Both- and we are the Dobre brothers. We dance and do backflips. You can tell us apart by freckles.
Lu- I have one big one on my cheek.
Ma- and I have one by my lip.
Ne- well I'm Neels and I'm a model and a part time dj. I also want to become a YouTuber of some sorts.
N- ok so you guys probably want to know more about us or something.
Ne, Lu, Ma- yeah!

We talk for what felt like 10 hours but was only 2. When we were done talking it was 5 am. Everyone went back to bed expect for Neels, Lucas, Marcus, Nick, Erika, and I. The boys soon then started to ask us questions.

Lu- so is that everyone in team 10?
N- for now we don't know if anyone else wants to join.

J- we do have my best friend Kade and his little brother Nathan. You see we are all from Ohio, Tennessee, Michigan, Kentucky, etc. around that area but we all grew up together expect for Nick. Me and Erika have been high school sweethearts. We also have Megan who helps out around the house. She and tony have a fling, Chance and Tessa are also a thing. Kade is taken and then we have Erika's cousin Lauren but her and Nathan like each other. Alissa is single. Tristan is single and is also vegan cause you know you have to have that one vegan friend and Meg is obsessed with yoga so that's your go to for yoga. Some of us boys like to work out a lot aka me so we got to the gym once to twice a day. We also have Alex Lange he is from France but he is in France right now.

E- ok you boys can sleep in the ratchets room or my room for now.
Ma- well I don't think we should take your room.
E- I'll be fine I can sleep in Jake's room. Tessa and Alissa share a room I could also share a room with them.
J- you guys can get moved in to the rooms. The boys should have two bunk beds and mattress. Make sure that Chance is on the mattress. You guys can be in there but if it gets to crazy you can go to Erika's room.
Ne- ok
N- but with that you can go to your rooms and sleep.
Ne, Lu, Ma- night guys.

They all head to the ratchets room and get settled in. Erika and I make out for about a min and then we part.

J- I'm going to get changed do some work and then work out.
E- Jake you need to sleep.
J- Erika but I need to get these emails done.
I started to get up. Erika then stands up.
E- Jake go to bed.
J- no!

I run up to my room, quickly throw some workout clothes on and head back down stairs.

E- Jake bed now!

By this point she was mad and was loud. I just ignored it and continued what I was doing.

J- Erika I need to get things done!

I head into the office and sit down at my desk.

E- Jake Bed Now!

She started to pull on me.

J- no Erika! Stop raising your voice you are going wake up everyone.
E- I Don't Care! Bed Now Jake!!!

She was yelling by this time and everyone was at the bottom of the stairs.

J- Erika I Don't Care! Let Me Work!

Nick came running to the door.

N- bro you need sleep, go lay down.

Ahhhh guys it's finally long!!! What is going to happen next? Leave a comment down below. Hope you all enjoyed!! Love you goats sm!!!

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