Pt. 20: Plan

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Recap: J- I have an amazing way to come back but I need everyone from team tens help......
Jake's POV:

I already had some ideas ready for this. But I just need to contact everyone in team ten but Erika. I feel bad for Kade, McKenzie, and Nathan cause they haven't been here and are going to be home soon to find me not there and a crying Erika. I made a group chat with out Erika and the girls.

J- hey guys I'm perfectly fine. I am at Logan's. Don't tell Erika anything about this group but add the girls when they get back from what ever they are doing.
N- omg bro I'm so sorry for arguing with you.
J- it fine. But I just need your guys help.
K- what is going on?! Please tell me that is isn't Jerika problems. We just got in town.
Mc- Kade it probably is, if he doesn't want Erika knowing about this.
K- fu*king a!!
J- sorry Kade but can all you guys come over to Logans house after I'm done working out?
Team ten-X- yeah!

While I was texting Logan was looking at me weird.

L- um hello bro? What is the plan?
J- the team is coming over after we go to the gym.
L- sh*t I'll have Ayla come home, get a shower and then clean the house.
J- don't make her cause it might get worse cause Chance and Anthony are coming to.
L- ok I won't rush her to come over.
J- well let's go to the gym then.
L- ok!

About half way through my gym routine, my phones starts blowing up like crazy. I check it and see that it's the group.

Megan was added to the group.
Tessa was added to the group.
Alissa was added to the group.
Al- what is this for?
T- I'm so confused?
M- is this a team group chat?
Ma- excluding Erika.
T- hey why no Erika?
C- Jake needs our help planing something for her.
Al- awwww Jerika needs to be back
A- we all miss it expect for Nick
N- actually I do miss Jerika
Tr- ahhhh he admits it!! Also Alex is going to be home tomorrow so I should add him.
Alex was added to the group.
Alex- um I'm so confused? Tristan why did you add me?
M- team ten needs to help Jake.
Alex- with what?
J A- jerika problems
Alex- ahhh, I'll be home later tonight.
N- you'll miss the meeting then.
Alex- just tell me then.
X- ok
J- holly shi* man I'm half way done working out and I check my phone to see this😂
Tr- you welcome! Now hurry I wanna be third wheeling again soon.
J- ok ok!!

I finished my work out and head back to Logans apartment. I hoped in the shower with my speaker and phone connected playing drake. Yeah I always have a bag packed in my car just in case. So if something bad happened I would be prepared. When I got out I changed my clothes and went up stairs. I saw Logan sitting on the couch. I was guessing he was texting Ayla. I went up behind him and looked at his phone and screamed

L- HOLLY SH*T Jake!!
J- welcome bro. Everyone should be over in a few.
L- great the house is a wreak and Ayla isn't here to clean it.
J- I'm here! I'll get started.

About 15 mins we hear the door bell ring to see half of the team in the doorway. It was mostly boys. Then 10 mins later the reset of them came. We all sat down in the living room.

J- what took you guys so long?
Al- we left McKenzie, Kade, and Nathan with Erika and we left at different times to make it look we were up to something.
J- ok
N- so what's the plan?
J- so I need you all to have Erika distracted for the day. Keep her out of the house.
A- y bro and the girls can do that.
T- um you know you guys can help too!!
J- and Erika's little sister hardly gets to see her and so I'm bringing her and Erika's grandma with her mom out to La so while someone is out with Erika I need everyone's help with getting the house cleaned and making sure everything is prepared. I bought this really cute dress a little bit ago before we left cause we had an event. So she will get the dress when she comes home when I text you guys to. She will go into Tessa's room cause I'm getting her a goat and putting it in her room cause that's where everyon.....

But before I finished that word the door opened........

Ahhhhhh guys I tried to write a long chapter. I was sick today so I got time to write and read stories and I'm so happy!! But I'm planning to put cuss words in my story cause that's just how team ten and Logans gang act. That's what makes them, them. But yeah tank you sm for reading!! Love ya!!❤️❤️

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