Pt. 44: Present.

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Recap: I then walked up the stairs into his room to see....
Jake's POV:

We finally all got home. The girls were taking forever so I went on a run. I ended up being home around 9:30. I got a water and headed up stairs. I hoped in the shower and when I got out I sat on my bed until I fell asleep.

Erika's POV:

I saw Jake cuddling the blanket I've had since I was young. It was the cutest thing ever. I took a pic and headed down stairs. I got a snack and got changed. I then got into bed in my room cause Jake hasn't been able to sleep well for a few weeks. He needed it knowing that the weekends to come would be crazy. Like in two weeks it's Halloween then two weeks after that it's my birthday which should be the best ever. I slowly fall asleep and dream the usual as every night which is about Jake and I.

Jake's POV:

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I look over to see no Erika. I panic and look at the time. 10:37. Is what it read. I quickly run down the stairs. I ran into the kitchen to see Erika. I start panting.

E- omg you scared me.
J- same goes to you.

I go and kiss her.

E- here I made breakfast.

She hands me a plate and we sit down.

I scarf down the food and thank her.

E- so question!
J- okay?
E- what was the whole problem yesterday?
J- ummm....
E- Jake?!
J- so basically we got a package from Brock.....
E- what was it?
J- idk. We didn't open it.
E- want to?
J- sure?!

We head into the office and head to my desk. Nick and Tessa were in there. We opened it to see pieces of plates or glass.

J- what is this?
E- omg!
J- what?
E- this is parts of a present I gave him once.
J- no!
E- what?
J- there's letters.
E- open!
J- one for each of us. Let's read!

We read them and she ran out the door....

Ok guys this is short Ik. It's only because I want to write my other story which should be up later. If not tomorrow. But thank you for reading!!❤️

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