Pt. 39: Dreams

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Also all the next pictures at the top will be from Jerika.edits insta. Go follow her account tho!
Recap: I smiled and looked at Erika until something happened....
Erika's POV:

I was fast asleep watching the movie. I was awoken by a phone call from Jake? But I was in my room. I answer it with a raspy voice.

J- hey....
E- hey baby!
J- is this Erika?
E- yeah! What's wrong?
J- you wouldn't be calling me that? I thought you were sad...
E- about what?
J- are you sure that your Erika?
E- yes!
J- hold on if your Erika then you wouldn't like me calling you...
E- don't say it!
J- Mikey!
E- ahhhh
J- ok your Erika, but after what happened last night I don't think you would want to talk to me.
E- I forget what happened last night. All I remember is waking up in my bed.
J- Erika you fell asleep on the couch. You had tears on your face. I know this because Anthony found you.
E- Jake what happened last night?
J- ummmm....
E- Jake?!
J- ask Tessa!

After he said that he hung up. I didn't know why but I then heard a knock at my door.

E- come in!
T- it's locked!
E- you know my passcode!
T- oh yeah!

30 secs later she opens the door and ran to hug me.

T- you okay?
E- I'm better than okay!
T- man I thought your life would be the worst after what happened yesterday.
E- actually I'm really confused.
T- about what?
E- just yesterday.

T- I'm gonna explain this. Basically Jake was out and about with everyone expect tony, me, and nick. Well you, Tony and I were on the couch. Tony was getting all touchy and you were fine with it. Well I got up to get food and well tony leaned in to kiss you. I don't know what got into him. But you said you didn't kiss back. Well you were trying to get him off but he was to heavy. You were trying to yell for me but it was useless. Jake then walked in and dropped everything. Tony then got off and started to try to apologize but you were crying. You were actually shaking. I was trying to calm you down. Jake was yelling and was about to punch tony. Until....


J- dude why'd you kiss my girlfriend?!
T- sorry bro I didn't know what came over me!
J- Erika why'd you kiss back?!
E- I-I di-didn-didn't.
J- I can't believe either of you! Omg I'm done! Erika were done!
E- n-nn-noooo!

*end flashback*

T- you then started shaking even more. Tony then tried to calm you down but all the girls tried too, the boys except tony went to Jake and tony was trying. I then yelled at him to get out and he came back late that night. But before that. You wouldn't stop crying. Even tho how hard it took us. You said you wanted to be alone. Jake never went out of his room. I went into his room and tried to explain to him what happened. Because you were trying to explain it to us girls with a shakey voice. But you just kept on crying on the couch until tony came home and put you in your bed. After that Jake hasn't came out of his room since.

E- omg what have I done! I'm the worst person in the world! I shouldn't even be here rn!

I then started to run out of the room and pace from the front door to the end of the stairs.

E- I can't believe he did this, I did this! I'm the worst! I shouldn't be here rn! Ahhhhh!
T- Erika calm down!
E- I can't!
E- I don't deserve to be on this earth! I don't even know why I exist!
T- Erika you're here for a reason! We all are! Just please calm down!

Jake's POV:

All I could hear was Erika yelling and Tessa yelling back.

A/N please don't read this part if it will trigger you. It's suicidal, please don't read if it will bother you. I'm warning you now bc it would be to late. Please take my warning seriously! Now one thing that they might be using won't probably work if it's like a kitchen scissors. I honestly have no clue because I've never tried but I have some friends who I've helped so if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.

I couldn't deal with what I did. I was the reason why Erika was thinking this. Soon I got up and went to my bathroom and found a razor and a pair of scissors. I then took the scissors and applied them to my skin. I took them to my chest and sliced through my skin and started to bleed. Some what a lot. I then slid down the bathroom door and started to cry and curl up in a ball, I then got up and soon I started to get dizzy then everything went black.

Tessas POV:

While Erika was pacing back and forth we both heard a big smack on the floor up in Jake's room. Erika and I glanced at each other and raced up the stairs. We opened Jake's door and saw his bathroom door cracked. He wasn't in his bed and wasn't in the closet. Erika and I yelled no at the same time and ran into the bathroom. We then saw Jake on the bathroom floor with a small puddle of blood starting to surround him. We try to get a pulse and Erika breaks down in tears, she starts to yell,

T- Erika calm down.
T- umm...

She yelled it loud enough for anyone in the house to hear.


Alissa was soon enough on the phone and in Jake's room. Erika was still crying and I was trying to keep him alive but I knew that his time was coming to an end.

Al- they are on their way!

I then got a sad face. I knew that he was almost dead. The ambulance soon showed up and the sirens were going off. Everyone soon rushed out of their room wondering what was going on.

T- Alissa get everyone downstairs and into the backyard. Don't tell them what's going on. Even if they heard about the ambulance thing just say I hurt my ankle.
Al- got it.
T- Erika can you go direct them up here?
E- yeah...sure?!

They all head to where the have been directed while I try to keep Jake alive.

5 mins later.

Erika comes running up the stairs with the paramedics just 2 steps behind her. She comes into the bathroom and the puddle was a little bit bigger but not really cause we closed it up. They told us to back up so we did. While they were doing everything Erika was crying into my arms. They then said something.

Paramedic- Pa

Pa- it hurts me to say this but I'm afraid that he didn't make it.
E- noo!!

Erika then started to cry again, she was sweating also.

Erika's POV:

I just kept on crying until I shot up from the bed, drenched in sweat and crying. I could feel someone looking over at me I look over and see Jake. I squeeze him very tightly.

E- you're alive!
J- and you are here!
Jerika- dream?
Jerika- yep!

We then kissed for about 2 mins until someone burst through the door.....

Ok guys finally I updated! I promise I won't quit. Guys I will not have any chapters out on Thursday's and Mondays but every other day than those two there will be chapters. If not I will always update you guys. But thank you guys for reading. Luv ya!!❤️❤️

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