Pt. 32: Should I?

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Recap: E- hey babe, I have a question.....
Erika's POV:

I was honestly debating if I should ask him or not. I knew that once I said that, that I shouldn't have asked.

J- yeah babe?
E- you know what, nvm I'll ask later.
J- babe if it's important ask me now.
E- I really don't want to ask rn, with the girls around.
J- are you sure?
J- ok.

He looked over and smiled at me. I could see it out of the corner of my eye. I smiled and kept on looking forward. He then looked back at the road. I looked out the window and just thought to my self. What if Jake doesn't want us to be public? What if he doesn't want anyone to know about us? I pull out my phone and go through twitter. I see the comments on Jake's recent twitter thing and I immediately go and look on vine to see one of jake and Alissa. Ik that they are best friends basically twins and nothing was wrong with it, expect for the comments. The all kept saying Jalissa is real. Jake and Alissa all the way. They are my otp. I turned my phone off and went back to staring out the window.

Jake's POV:

I knew that something was up when Erika turned off her phone and went back to looking out the window with a sad look on her face. I put my hand on her thigh and smiled at her. She smiled back but then went back to looking out the window. I had something fun planned today. We were going to eat someone down on the peir and the go to a trampoline park. We pulled up at the peir and a smile quickly appeared on all the girls faces.

D- are we going swimming?
Morgan- rides?
E- our fav food place?
J- Erika has it right!
E- omg!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
J- ik, ik you love me! Now let's go.

We all hop out of the truck. We put Dani in between Erika and I with Morgan by Erika and we walk to Party Foul and get a booth. We order and our waitress keeps flirting with me. Erika and Morgan switched places before she came back with out drinks. She placed napkins under all of ours but mine had writing under it and it had her number. She handed me my drink and winked at me. Erika was holding my hand under the table and when she saw that she cuddled into me. I put my arm around her, and handed the waitress back her napkin.

Once she left we all laughed.

J- she's stupid for thinking I'm not with my soulmate.

Erika and I lean in and kiss and Dani and Morgan both yell,

D&Morgan- ewwww!

Erika and I laugh. We then all finish up eating once we get our food and start to head out but I get stoped by......

Ahhhh left you guys on a cliffhanger. Who do you think it is? Maybe they have all met before? Who knows but figure out next chapter. Sorry this is up late also. I got so distracted. But happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for all my fans and readers. If it wasn't for your support, I wouldn't be where I am now! Thank you guys so much!! Love you all!!❤️

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