Pt. 33: Private

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Recap: We then all finish up eating once we get our food and start to head out but I get stoped by......
Jake's POV:

I got stopped by our waitress. While we were walking out I had a grip on Erika's hand to prove she was mine, and only mine. When I got stoped my grip on Erika's hand loosened and she looked back.

J- um I gtg

I said looking the waitress straight in the eye. I tried to move but she wouldn't let me.

Da- Jake wait!
Jerika- Daisy?!
Da- yes it's me!
E- what do you want?
Da- bi*ch don't give me attitude!
J- Daisy back tf off! Now if you will let us go that would be amazing!
Da- Jake but I love you still!
E- well if you weren't such a cheating bit*h then maybe things would have worked out.
J- Daisy I have better things to do, then get my GIRLFRIEND worked up, so please let us be!

We all finally left and got in the car.

E- ok you guys promise not to repeat any of the words said today?
D&Morgan- Promise.
J- good!

We then drive to the trampoline park and hang there for an 1 and a half. By the time we get back to the house it was 2:30 and traffic wasn't bad. As soon as we get out, I hold Erika back for a bit.

J- hey babe you said you needed to talk earlier?
E- Yeah but can we do it somewhere more private.

We looked around and saw paparazzi, we quickly went inside to see the house cleaned up and everyone around the kitchen. Erika and I walked into the office and shut the door.

J- baby what did you want to talk about?
E- J-Jake I saw the vine you posted earlier.
J- the one with me and Alissa?
E- yeah, but everyone was shipping you guys.
J- so that doesn't have to ruin our relationship. E- but Jake I just want to know if we are public.
J- baby as long as I'm with you were fine.
E- Jake you aren't understanding me.
J- what?!
E- babe. If everyone sees us together they are going to tell me that I broke you guys up. We never have went public so that's why they are shipping you guys.
J- babe it won't matter once they see us.
E- ugh you just don't understand what I'm going through!!

As soon as she said that Alissa opened the door.

Al- hey Jake you busy?
J- um yea...
E- you know what Jake go do what you have to do, I'll be in my room.

Erika's POV:

Nobody gets what I'm going through. As soon as I saw those comments I knew that Jake and I would never go public. If we did all the fans would say that I broke Jalissa or ended it, but it never started. Jake was trying to make sense but was failing. I walked into my room, I shut and locked my door and hopped in the shower.

*ten min. later*

I was out of the shower because my phone was blowing up. It was Tessa.

Text bold
Tessa🌹💕- e everyone is looking for you.
Tessa🌹💕- where are you?
Tessa🌹💕- E?!
Tessa🌹💕- Jake isn't home.
Tessa🌹💕- Rik?!
Tessa🌹💕- we are all worried!
Erika🐐💗-I was in the shower. Jake is out? Only you are allowed in my room. Passcode is 0618

I walked out and got changed quickly. I threw up my hair and sat on my bed with my laptop in my lap. I was just siting there when I hear two different things click.

Ahhhh guys sorry again for this being up late. Yes I'm on break for Thanksgiving. So I can stay up however late I want to. But a new chapter might not be out tomorrow cause I'm having a friend stay. So I just wanted to thank you guys so much for the love and support you give me. You guys are the reason that I keep writing. Love you goats so much!!❤️❤️

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