Pt. 17: Fighting?!

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Recap: J- THAT IS IT I AM OUT!......
Erika's POV:

And with that he was out the door. I didn't chase after him instead I went into my room, I slammed the door shut and cried until I fell asleep.

Tessa's POV:

I was scared when Jake, Erika, and Nick started to yell. I opened my door and Alissa and I walked to the stairs railing. Everyone then followed. Tristan was staying in nicks room on the floor. We all just watched them. When Jake yelled, I jumped back and almost fell but Chance caught me. We gave each other that special I love you but I don't want to tell you. Jake and Erika kept on going back and forth. Nick then butted in and yelled at Jake and with that Jake screamed and slammed the door shut. When we left we all thought Erika was going to follow but instead she walked out of the office crying and heading into her room.
We all look at each other and we go and talk to nick.

N- ok so here's what happened....

He explained and there was gasp and sad faces everywhere.

C- I mean Jake needs sleep so I agree with you two.
Everyone expect Erika, Chance, and Nick- yeah
T- well we better get moving
Al- I call shower!
T- fine
Tr- I'll try to text Jake.
C&A- we are going back to bed.
Lu&Ma- you two are crazy
Ne- I mean it is early.
Lu- then go lay down.
Ne- ok
N- I'm making breakfast. Someone call meg up.
Tr- I'll do that too.

Calling and texting-bold
Tristan🤙🏽- where are you?
Tristan🤙🏽- hello?
Jake🤘🏼- I just need time to think!
Tristan🤙🏽- ok text me if you ever need anything!
Jake🤘🏼- thanks bro, you and one of the boys can sleep in my room instead of sleeping on the floor. Text me daily about Erika!
Tristan🤙🏽- ok stay dizzy bro
Jake🤘🏼- peace😎

Meg- hello?
Tristan- yeah meg you need to come to the house.
Meg- why?
Tristan- problems, girls day with Erika, Tessa, and Alissa.
Meg- on my way!!
Tristan- ok!!

Alissa and I hoped in the shower and were ready for breakfast. I was hoping that Erika would come out for food but he didn't. The the doorbell rang......

Ahhhhhh guys hope you enjoyed!! Love you goats somemuch!! Comment who you think the door bell ringer is?' Love ya goats sm!!
Ok guys I'm so sorry I was meaning to put this up yesterday but it didn't go up and I'm sorry about that!! But I will probably have a new one up tonight!!
Love ya!!❤️

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