Pt. 9: News?

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Recap: by the time I finish I hear a big bang, everyone turns around me to see...
Alissa's POV:

I was scared to death. Even if I wasn't really involved. I was personally scared for Jake and Erika. They both mean so much to me. We all look towards the door to see Logan! In the door way, he slams the door shut and yells


As soon as he said that all we can here was a bed shaking and a girl screaming. We all dead eye Logan and Jake runs up to his room. Logans eyes follow. We soon see Ayla walk in after you first here the screaming.

Jake's POV:

After Logan walks in you here my bed shaking and Erika scream, everyone dead eyes Logan while I run up stairs to my room. I unlock the door to see Erika rocking back and forth crying and still screaming.

J- Erika baby, he isn't here. I know that's why you were screaming. Calm down.
E- Jake I'm so happy you're here. Who was it. I need to stay with you no matter what.
J- babe it was Logan he came over. I think everyone is handling him.
E- ok, can I just stay by your side?
J- yes. I have to carry you so.
E- ok!

I pick her up and kiss her. We then head down stairs and I put her on the couch. I look over at Logan and he looks like he could be in tears right now. I give him the we got to talk look and he points at Ayla. I nod my head yes, and we walk into the office. I shut the door and we start.

J- bro do you know what happened?
L- kinda
Ay- Jake we are super sorry we should have called before we came.
J- it's fine we just need to talk about it.
L- bro y did I hear a bed shaking and screaming?
J- ok so Erika fractured her foot. It was about 5:30 this morning when I took her to the hospital. We got Taco Bell and came back home to see everyone with a worried face. We Brock is in jail and Brock got a free call and ended up calling us saying that he was going to come get Erika and all of us. So we called the police and tried to calm down Erika. When we did she feel asleep on me so I put her up into my room and I ate my taco bell and was planning on going back there but then you came in and you know what happened.
L- omg bro I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of that to happen. I promise we will call before we come over.
Ay- ok Jake, I have some news...

Ahhh what do you guys think Ayla's news is? Idk leave what you think it is below. Also guys I have 4 more days!! But thank you for the love and support!! Love you goats so much!!

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