Pt. 45: Ex!?

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Recap: We read them and she ran out the door....
Erika's POV:

He was put back in jail. Then he escaped and is now coming after my whole family. I had to get out of the house. I quickly got in my car and drove to our safe spot. Ik he would probably find me here but I don't care. I just needed to clear my mind. I plugged my phone into the aux and played my playlist. Of course the first song was Shout Out to My Ex by Little Mix. Great. I skipped it and it went to one call away. And with that I knew who to call. Ayla. She was probably with Logan but she understands me the most.

*over call*
Ayla: Hey E!
Erika: are you home. *voice is shakey*
Ayla: omg yes come over now and talk.
Erika: good I'll be over in like 5. *voice still shakey*

I quickly turned my car back on and drove to Logans apartment. He said I could come over any time. I got to his apartment and knocked. It opened to show Ayla with a worried face she squeezed me and almost had tears on her face.

Ay- omg come on in and sit! Do you need anything?
E- I just need to talk.
Ay- what's wrong?
E- Brock...
Ay- oh no! Does anyone else know?!
E- all they know is that I read a letter he sent me and I ran out the door.
Ay- do you have the letter?!
E- yeah...
Ay- here let me read it.

Ayla's POV:

I was honestly so scared. I started to read the letter. Here's what it said:

Dear, Erika
As you know I am in jail. Well not any more. I escaped and I am coming after you and your family. After what you did to me I can't let it go with out getting my revenge. It's time for pay back. Love you baby!

I was freaking out. I had no clue what to do.

Erika's POV:

All I could think about rn is clutching Jake's panda bear that he has had since he was little. He gave it to me so I can remember him when I needed to hug him. All I could do tho is break down in tears.

E- *sobs*
Ay- omg Erika! I promise everything is going to be fine!
E- I just want Jake or his panda bear!
Ay- awww, ik what I can do...
E- no please don't text, him about him being out of jail.
Ay- I won't. We need to contact the police tho.
E- can we do that before we contact Jake.
Ay- if you say so.
E- nope I want the panda. Badly.
Ay- maybe Logan has something else.

As soon as she said that Logan walked in.

L- Logan has what? Erika!! Where's Jake?!
Ay- do you have a panda bear?
L- Ik Jake has one. I have a penguin.
E- oh....
Ay- well can you at least contact the police?
L- why?!

She hands him the letter and he gasp and gets worried he immediately gets his phone out and calls the police. My phone starts to buzz, it's team ten. I ignore it. Ayla then gets a text from Logan but I can't read it. About 5 mins later the door bell rings and we open it to show the police. They come in and start to question me. I break down in tears and Ayla is there to support me. I was crying when the door opened.....

Ahhhh sorry guys!!

I'm just kidding I'm still writing!!

Jake. He was holding the panda bear. He saw me crying and saw the police. He didn't go crazy, he acted normal and came around the other side of the couch and sat down. He slid the bear between my arms and legs. I felt it and squeezed it. I hug him and he whipped away my tears. I put my head on his shoulder. We talked to the police for a half an hour and finally left. When we were walking to Jake's truck. *Cause Alissa came to pick mine up cause she had to use it.* I had the panda in one hand and Jake's in the other. We were almost to the car when we heard someone following us.....

Ok guys!!! Now your going to have to wait another day for an update. Because if you didn't see that chapter then it's said that I have a new story called High School Drama. So make sure you check it out. I love it. But every other day updates. Thank you guys for reading! Luv ya!!❤️❤️

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