Pt. 19: Oh No?!

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Recap:L- ok so guys I know where Jake is.......
Logans POV:

I knew where Jake was as soon as Erika and him got into the fight. *flashback* it was at least 5:30 in the morning when I got a call from Jake.

J- hey bro I need somewhere to get away for while.
L- ok? Like where?
J- maybe I can stay at your house for a while.
L- ok just come over now.
J- ok I'll explain why when I get there. Bye bro
L- bye

We get off the call and I get up and hop in the shower. When I'm out I hear the door bell ring and I'm surprise Ayla isn't awake so I head upstairs in only a towel and Maverick follows. I open the door to find Jake. He comes in looking sleep deprived with only a small bag.

L- hey bro
J- hey, I let you finish getting dressed and then we can talk.
L- ok.

I head back down the stairs to see Ayla on her phone I walk in and get clothes and head into my bathroom. I get changed and headed into my room again and kissed Ayla and said Goodmorning. She kissed back and said Goodmorning too. I headed back up stairs and sat down on the couch to see Jake doing emails on his computer.

L- so what's with you looking sleepy?
J- ok so Erika and I got home late last night and so she was now just falling asleep for the first time this week cause she has been stressing out because of her grandma so she feel asleep on me so I put her to bed and Nick and I we were going over ideas for team ten and my new YouTube channel. So we worked till 2 and I kept on working till I heard a scream come from Erika's room....,,

He explained it in full detail. I was kinda mad but kinda happy.

L- bro I'm happy for what you're doing for Erika and the whole YouTube channel but you need sleep so go sleep now. Mark is out of town so go in his room.
J- ok but once I'm awake I'm working out and doing more emails.
L- that won't be for long.

He heads down stairs and I hear Ayla say Jake and Jake said hey. She comes up stairs and asks....

Ay- why is Jake here?
L- Jerika problems
Ay- oh well you want breakfast?
L- yeah. While I'm waiting might as well buy stuff for my YouTube channel online.

*One hour later*

Ay- breakfast is done.
L- finally it's like 8 now, it took an hour.
Ay- hey not my fault I made extra for tomorrow.
L- well that's good ig.

I get up and get food. It was around 9 when I decided to text Erika. I thought it was a good idea cause Jake is asleep and he can go home tomorrow. She said she would be over soon. Ayla went out to work out so it would just be Alissa, Tessa, Erika, and Meg. It was 9:20 when they got here. They all sat down and we started to talk.

L- guys I know where Jake is.
E- is he safe?
L- of course. He just needs time. I promise he is sleeping.
E- I need to see him. Give me the address.
L- he asked me if I told you to keep it a secret. He also told me he would be home soon.

I started to look around and when I looked towards the stairs I saw him and gave him the go back down stairs look. He quickly went down stairs and Erika said I under stand just keep me in touch and I said always. We got up and gave each other a hug.

Jake's POV:

I was awoken by Erika's voice, I shot up and looked around to remember that I was in Marks room. I went up the stairs quietly and I saw her there and Logan looked at me and gave me a go back down look and I quietly went back down. I chilled in Marks room doing emails until I saw Logan.

L- bro you shouldn't have went up.
J- bro I heard her voice I needed to see her.
L- you needed to stay low. You are lucky I didn't give you away.
J- I have an amazing way to come back but I need everyone from team tens help......

Ahhhh guys I literally got so distracted just writing this and idk y. But I just started reading a fanfic on insta by jerika.edits so go check. It out. When I write this it is Nov. 6th and it's storming and I can't sleep. So that's great!! But I have to try cause I have school tomorrow. But thank you for letting me rant but thank you for reading!!! Love you goats!!

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