Pt. 46: Unknown.?

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Recap: We were almost to the car when we heard someone following us.....
Jake's POV:

I had to keep Erika safe. It was my job. I promise to. That's what a boyfriend is suppose to do, promise and be there. We kept on walking and I heard someone behind us. I started to walk quicker. Erika's hand was still in mine and she was giving me a questioning look.

E- what are you doing?
J- I want Taco Bell and froyo.
E- same!

When we got to my truck. I went to her door and opened it. I saw who was following us. I flicked them off and quickly hoped in the seat behind Erika's. She looked back at me.

E- what are you doing?
J- I'm to lazy to walk around.
E- omg!

I quickly hoped up front and locked the door. Of course he acted like he was in the car behind us. But he wasn't. I quickly pulled out and told Erika I had news.

E- good or bad?
J-  good!
E- in your opinion or my?
J- both?...
E- okay, spill!
J- basically we are getting a new car.
E- yay?!
J- it's an actual car, it's a Ford Focus Rs!
E- omg!😂
J- now we have more cars!
E- yep! So when are we picking up this car?
J- in a month.
E- so a month of sharing the cars still.
J- not really Tessa is getting a car.
E- good!

I put my hand Erika's thigh and smiled. She looked over at me and smiled too.

Erika's POV:

When Jake put his hand on my thigh. I knew this was the boy that I was going to end up with. I love this boy. No matter what happens I will always be there for him. He will always be there for me. We finally got Taco Bell and froyo. I still was holding the panda but I had my hand on his. When we finally got home I walked in holding his hand and holding the panda. Everyone was sitting on the couch with a worried face. When they heard the door open the looked over and yelled:

E- hey guys!
T- are you okay?
K- we were worried sick.
E- I'm fine I just need a nap.
J- hey go up to my room. I'll be there in a min.
E- ok!

We kissed and I headed up the stairs. Everyone was then chatting behind me, I then got it Jake's room and I went into his closet. I had extra clothes in there just in case I needed them. Here's what I put on:

I then got in his bed and pulled the covers over my body and pulled out my phone

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I then got in his bed and pulled the covers over my body and pulled out my phone. I had the panda beside me. I then got a text from an unknown number it said:

Texts between the two:
Unknown: I'm coming for you.
Erika: who are you?
Unknown: we've met before.
Erika: we have? Tell me who you are!
Unknown: you'll see me later...
Erika: no tell me who you are!
Unknown: you'll see later...
Erika: Tell me!

I then put my phone on the bedside and curled up into a ball. I then soon fell asleep.

Jake's POV:

When I told Erika to head upstairs to my room I then got to work. I had to tell everyone what was going on.

J- okay guys come to the kitchen.
X- okay.

We all head to the kitchen. I then start to tell them what happened.

J- guys we need to keep Erika safe, now before we all start to freak out. He is here and is following Erika and I. Chance I have no clue about you but everyone needs to take this seriously. Now the security needs upgraded. Where ever Erika goes one person needs to be with her. Now everyone talk among their selfs and decide. I'm going to take a nap with Erika. When we wake up everything better be decided.
X- got it! Night!
J- night.

When I was waking up the stairs I saw it was 2pm. I then headed into my room to see Erika in a ball with the blankets and my panda. I took a picture and posted it on my Instagram saying "Loml❤️🤤" I then put my phone down and went to change. I threw on a hoodie and joggers. I then went to go get my phone again when I saw Erika's phone light up. It was a text from an unknown number saying;

Unknown: I'm here. Go downstairs.

I was pissed and I had an idea on what to do....

Ahhh guys as you guys may have saw I was sick and I'm back. Thank you guys so much for the love and support. There will be another update tomorrow. Love you guys so much!!❤️❤️

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