Pt. 2: Prank!!

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Recap: we keep talking until we hear a few knocks...
Erika's POV:

Jake, Logan, and I heard a few knocks on the door. I start to get up and Jake says,

J- Don't leave me!!
E- Jake I don't want to get in trouble.
J- you won't!
L- guys focus on the knocks. Let's pull a prank on who ever it is.
Jerika- yesss

We plan our prank so we finish up quickly. After that we get in our spots and I start to fake cry, Logan goes by the door and Jake acts like he is in a coma.

Tessa's POV:

Today I wanted to see Jake, Erika, and Logan. I called everyone over and said we were going to see them.

T- ok so y'all are probably wondering why I called you guys over.
Everyone- yess
T- ok well I think we should go see if Jake is awake since it's been a week. Erika has taken at least all of us this whole week so we need to go together and surprise them.
Everyone- ok

So we all head out and head to the hospital. We arrive and I ask where Jake Paul's room is the lady told us and headed up to his room.

K- um guys how did they even get him up here?
C- you are that stupid
K- what?
A- Kade they put him up, never mind
K- ok then

We finish going up and head to the door I knock and nobody answers. After waiting for a min I knock again and Logan answers but instead of letting us he pushed us away and shut the door.

Logans POV:
After pushing them out I come out and shut the door they all start questioning me.

C- bro wtf was that for?
K- yeah
L- guys Jake might be dying soon. Erika is going through a tough time because of it.
A- oh
Al- guys what should we do?
L- I don't think she will leave his side.
T- guys we need to be there for Erika and Logan.
L- thanks guys.
M- can we go see Erika and Jake?
L- yeah just be quiet.

We all head in and Erika is still "crying". Erika looks up and see all of them standing there, she runs up to Tessa.

T- I see that you missed me.

Erika just cry's even more.

Tr- guys we should let those two be.
L- yeah.

We let them be and us boys talked about boi stuff then the doctor came in. We all gathered around him expect for Erika. We also had the doctor in on the prank.

D- ok well I'm sorry to give you guys this news
Al- what's wrong doc?
D- well if you guys would just turn around.

Little did they know that Erika was on Jake's back goofing around. They all turn around and Chance, Anthony, and Kade start crying. That was the first time anyone other than the boys have saw them cry. They all run up to Jake and they hug.

K- bro we thought you were dead.
J- omg everyone thinks that
C- we missed you bro
A- yeah

We all hug it out and then the doctor says

Dr- um im sorry to interrupt but we have some news on Brock Williams....

Guy I'm back ok so I was trying to write Friday night but I feel asleep, I then was trying to finish in the morning but that didn't work and then I finally tried to earlier tonight but that didn't work. So I'm now uploading and I'm happy!!! But thank you for reading and hope you enjoy!!!

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