Pt. 41: Another Day!

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Okay guys big authors note tonight so make sure you look!
Recap: She was about to walk out when she heard screaming....
Tessa's POV:

I immediately stoped in my tracks and looked around. I heard it coming from Jake's room. Not again. I ran back in to see Dani crying, Erika almost in tears and Jake comforting both. I quickly got onto the bed and asked what was wrong.

E- she won't tell us...
J- hey Dani, what's wrong?
D- ahhh!!

She screamed and cried more. But she went to Jake. He then picked her up and kissed her checks. Erika and I looked into each other's eyes and questioned. We then looked at Jake and he said it's fine. I got up and walked out but as soon as I was out the door I screamed cause Alissa scared me.

T- holy sh*t
Al- hahahah
T- fu*k you!
Al- love you!
T- just let me sleep!
Al- fine!
Morgan- what the hell is going on?
T&Al- Morgan!!
T- when did you get in here? I thought you were down stairs?
Morgan- nope!
Al- ok but let's go to bed now!
Morgan- yessss!!

Erika's POV:

I woke up to Dani moving. She is a kicker and it isn't the best. Jake and I were facing each other. I look over to see it was 10:25. I kiss him on the lips. I see him open his eyes and kiss back.

J- Ahhh I could wake up to that everyday.
E- well I can't wake up to this thing everyday!
(While pointing at Dani)
J- hey you could have one in your stomach for 9 months.
E- true.
J- what time is it?
E- like 10:25
J- the premiere starts at 8:30, but carpet is 7pm.
E- ok are you taking the whole team?
J- yep.
E- aw dang it!
J- what?
E- it's my family's last day here. They leave around 3:15.
J- hey how about you go and hang out with them and have fun. I'll handle everything here.
E- you sure?
J- always!

We kissed for about a min until Dani woke up.

D- get a room!
Jerika- hey!
E- hey today we are going to hang out! Does that seem good?!
D- yess!
E- now let's go downstairs and get changed!
D- ok!

Jake's POV:

Erika left and I hoped in the shower, knowing that I would have to take another one later. But I didn't care. I get out and change into some workout clothes. I head downstairs and get a water bottle. I see Erika's family at door. I give Erika and Dani a hug and kiss on the check. I gave Morgan, Angel and Erika's Grandma and hug. I left and said goodbye.

^30 mins later^

I was back and I headed up stairs and got a shower. While I walked in, I was one the phone so I don't know if anyone was awake. But when I went back down stairs everyone was awake. They all eye balled me.

J- hey guys
X- hey Jake....
T- where's Erika?
J- she out with the fam. Also we have a premiere to go to tonight so wear something nice.
C- Jake something else is wrong.
J- what?
N- we got a package...
J- so it's just a package.
K- Jake it's from someone certain?
Al- look.

I look down to see it's from: Brock Williams. I flip out and throw the box down on the counter.

J- ok Tessa make sure Erika gets home soon. Nick on the phone with the police. Twins and anyone else that's left close and lock the windows and doors but not the front one. Chance and Anthony security. Anyone else just stay in the living room and kitchen. Or just the bottom floor.
N- Jake don't you think that's a little extreme?!
J- kinda but I don't need to almost lose Erika. I don't need anyone hurt. We can't loose anyone.

Around 3:25 the door opens and we all look with a worried face. Erika came in and asked..

E- guys what's wrong?
X- umm....

Ahhhh okay guy so sorry that my writing has been sucky lately. I've just been so busy. Also guys this book is going to end when we hit chapter 50. Like the first book. I don't know what you guys want. Maybe a sequel or a new book with a sequel or maybe just a new book. I don't know but it's up to you guys. Just make sure you tell me. Also give me ideas of what to write if you wanted a new book. But thank your love and support. Much love❤️❤️

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