Pt. 35: Last day?!

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Hey guys please read today's authors note!
Recap: We all go outside to see.....
Erika's POV:

I sat at the spot for about 6 mins and went back home. I was actually feeling a lot better. When I got home I saw the Lamborghini in the drive way. I was walking up to it when the door opened wide. I stepped away, but I don't know why. I look at the door and see everyone coming out to see the Lamborghini. Jake is the first one out.

J- babe!

He yells as he runs up to me and kisses me. I kiss back of course.

J- I thought about what you said and Alissa and I made a video explaining why we aren't "Jalissa"
E- awe babe you didn't have to!
J- but I did! Wait do you know who got this or who's it is?
E- maybe?!

I say while looking down and rocking back and forth on my heels.

J- babe!! You didn't?!
E- but I did!
J- omg! I love you so much!
E- I love you more!

He kisses me very passionately for what feel like forever but only 30 secs.

A- hey who's is it jake?
J- mine!
C- who got it for you?
J- my soulmate!
Tr- awweee!

We all walk in as we hear clicking behind us. Jake and I were also walking in holding hands. Tessa waited for me at the door and said.

T- told you I can keep a secret!
E- when have I never trusted you?
T- idk.
Angel- umm sorry to interrupt the moments going on rn but remember today is our last day!
E- omg I totally forget! What can we do? Ahh! I want to make this perfect! Nooo!
J- hey babe calm down!
T- I have an idea!
Ma- same!
J- ok one at a time.
T- let's just have a chill day. Like try Alex's and Kade's food, and watch movies.
J- ok there's that, Marcus?
Ma- how bout we have a pool day and then have a fancy dinner at home?
J- both are good ideas.
E- did you guys bring your bathing suits?
Eg- it's La honey, of course.
M- omg😂
J- ok well we can have Alex's and Kade's  food as snacks, we can project the movie on the wall outside, we can make a fancy dinner and swim all day. Sound good?
X- amazing!

We all went our separate way. Erika and I went into the office. I was editing my first vlog. I didn't know when I was going to post it. Erika and I were sitting side by side when we heard a big noise.....

Ahhh guys sooooo sorry that this is so short. I had a basketball game today so I didn't get to write till after the game. Guys I feel like doing another book but like about something related to team ten. Leave me ideas of what the book should be about. But thank you guys for your support! Love ya❤️

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