Pt. 14: The Scream

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Recap: We head over and head up to her room. We talk for a while when Jake got a call from.....
Jake's POV:

I got a call from Nick and I ignore it.

E- babe why did you ignore that call?
J- it was just Nick.
E- babe it could be important.
J- who cares as long as I'm with my baby girl and her grandma I'm good.
E- awwwww

My phone the starts to ring again. This time I answer it and put it on speaker.

N- why didn't you answer the first time?
J- cause I'm spending time with my baby girl.
N- ok stop with that and put it on speaker
E- already is
N- good well you know how we were suppose to have those twins come.
Jerika- yeah
N- well we got another person wanting to come.
Jerika- who?
N- someone by the name of Neels Visser
E- oh no this is great.
Nick and Jake- what?
E- Alissa likes Neels
N- I don't not want another Jerika in the house.
J- well then we are going to have to deal with it and tell him to come to the house in 4 days or less.
N- ok. But you both need to be home before then.
J- we will be home tomorrow.
N- ok got to go bye
Jerika- bye

We end the call and head home after spending one more hour there. It was 7pm when we got home and we had a flight at 12 that night. We got packed up and got cleaned up and ready for the flight. By the time we were done it was 8:30pm. We said goodbye and we to go eat Taco Bell. When then went to the airport and waited one hour for the flight. I mean it's better to be early than to be late. Erika falls asleep while I'm texting Nick.

Jake🤘🏼- hey I have a very important question.
Nick👨🏼‍💼- yeah
Jake🤘🏼- um how do you feel if I started a YouTube channel.
Nick👨🏼‍💼- I have an idea you can make a YouTube channel and we can have one for Team 10
Jake🤘🏼- omg perfect idea. We can use YouTube and Vine to get Team 10 out to the world.
Nick👨🏼‍💼- Amazing now what are you doing up it's 11 in Nashville you need sleep for your flight tomorrow.
Jake🤘🏼- we are at the airport now Erika is asleep our flight is at 12 in Nashville.
Nick👨🏼‍💼- oh ok. I will be up then cause we need to get videographers and photographers.
Jake🤘🏼- I have a few so when we get home I will help.
Nick👨🏼‍💼- you sure?
Jake🤘🏼- yep but I gtg, flight is getting called.
Nick👨🏼‍💼- ok see you soon.

I wake up Erika gently.

E- yeah babe?
J- baby girl it's time to get on the plane we are leaving. You can lay on me when we take off.
E- ok

We kiss and walk hand in hand. As soon as the flight attendant said it was okay to unbuckle Erika did and laid across me. She had the arm rest up so she didn't lay across it and I put my arm on her. I started playing with her hair and soon enough she fell asleep and I soon after.

*3 hours later*

I woke up by the sound of the flight attendant saying to please buckle up we were about land. I quickly woke Erika back up and told her to buckle up. I kissed and she kissed back. You could tell she was tried. She has been stressing out because of her grandma and knowing that she is okay finally let her relax so she could sleep. We landed, grabbed our bags, called an Uber, and went home. When we walked through the door. I was carrying Erika, she had her legs wrapped around my waist and arms locked behind my shoulder. When we walked in I saw Tessa, Tony, Chance, and Nick watching a movie. I was guessing Alissa was asleep and Tristan was at his own house. I went and put Erika on her bed. When we walked in no one looked at us cause the movie was super loud so you couldn't hear the door open. I covered Erika up cause she was already in a crop top and joggers. I just took off her shoes and kept her socks on. I shut off the light and shut the door. I walked quietly behind the couch and hit it saying guess who's back and they all screamed and I shushed them.

T- is Erika asleep?
J- yeah this week has been stressful for her. She hadn't really gotten sleep till tonight.
C- aw I feel bad
J- yeah but I have something special for her.
N- Jake you want to get working on what we were talking about earlier.
J- yeah, goodnight guys.
Everyone expect Nick- night.

We walk out to the office. Nick goes to his desk and I go to mine we talk about stuff for both mine and the teams channels. We were half way through when nick walked out to get food. While he was gone I was writing things for the special thing I was going to do for Erika. Nick thought I was writing down things for the channels until he looked over and whispered.

N- Jake I'll let you finish that but we need to work on this
J- ok hold one more idea.....ok done
N- good.
We get back to working and nick said we were done and said he was head to bed. 
N- hey get some rest jake, night bro
J- I'll try and night.
I didn't really try, I was still up and figuring out ideas. It was 3 am last time I checked. But it was 4am when I heard a high pitched scream coming from Erika's room....

Ahhhh guys this one is long and I love this one for some reason? Idk y but it's good, or at least I think so. But y do you think Erika was screaming? Leave comments down below. But thanks for reading, love ya goats so much!!

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