Pt. 37: Sleepover?!

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Recap: Before she could finish we heard a big bang...
Erika's POV:

I could feel Dani jump in my arms. I guess Jake saw it cause we both comforted her. We all looked in the house, nick came outside and said...

N- um did you guys hear that?
X- duh!
D- Jake I'm scared!
E- so am I!
J- hey I will keep you safe. Nick do you have any clue of what that was?
N- not really all Ik is that it came from outside.
J- let's go check.

Jake got out of the pool and Dani and I followed. Jake and I held hands while he held Dani. We went through the side of the house to see tons of fans. Dani snuggled her head in his shoulders, we saw a car smashed into another. I couldn't pull out who's it was but all Ik is that it didn't make a lot of damage.  We walked but around and we heard flashes a lot. But we didn't acknowledge it. Everyone asked us what it was.

J- some one rear ended a car.
Tr- wait who's?
E- well I would go check if it was yours.
X- ok!

Some of them rushed to he front and some stayed. While that was happening Lissa got up and went inside to cook. The others just stayed outside and sun bathed. Dani and I were still swimming around with Jake when Dani yawned.

J- awe is someone tried?
D- I want a nap.
E- here, I'll take her.
J- you really don't have to.
E- but I will.

Jake's POV:

She gets out of the pool. While she is I catcall her and she looks behind her and winks.

T- awe Jakey has a crush.
M- like he has never had one.
Angel- I mean Mikey does too.
J- did you just say what I think you did?
Eg- she said Erika's old nickname, that she hated being called.
J- ahhh I remember that!
T- we used to call her that all the time as kids!
M- omg! She hated us for calling her that!
E- calling her what?! *she said as she walked in*
J- um nothing just comeback and swim. It's boring with out anyone.
E- ok?

*1 hour later*

The food is finally done and we figured out who's car it was. Of course they were pissed about it cause you know it was their favorite car. But let's hope that Tristan's mood changes tho.

T- so Lissa what did you make?
Al- I made steak, salmon, salad, and rolls cause you knows what could be better?
J- Taco Bell *muttered under his breath*

Erika then elbowed me. Then Lexa came down with Dani cause she went to wake her up.

D- what movie are we watching?
M- we couldn't choose..
J- Mikey, you have an idea?

Erika then spited out her food and had a face of shock.

E- omg how do you remember that name?!
J- always have. You told me while we were playing truth and dare. It was only us two. I asked you what was one of the nicknames you hated. You said Mikey.
E- I swear if you say it anymore I will kill you.
J- ok mik..riky
E- great!

We then finished eating and Erika picked out a movie. We got the projector and ice cream with the popcorn. We also set up a setting arrangement. We watched Home Alone even tho Christmas is only 2 months away but as Erika said you can never be to early. She then put on The NightMare Before Christmas cause it's October and she wanted something holiday filled I guess?It was around 12:45 when everyone but Chance Tessa and I were asleep.

T- um so how are we going to do this?
C- well let's start with the heaviest first.
J- that would probably be me.
C- ok let's take Erika's grandma Tessa.
T- she goes in Erika's room.
J- I'm taking the twins.

*5 mins later*

T- sorry we lost a shoe.
J- great Tessa.
T- um it was Chance...
J- omg. Ok Morgan and Alex for me. Nick for you.

*5 mins again bc Alex was on the couch*

T- that was hard.
J- ok let's just get the next ones. Tristan and Alissa.
C- Angel for us.

*4 mins*

C- ok we get Anthony and McKenzie.
J- Kade and meg for me.

*4 mins*

C- Ok second to last one.
T- Neels
J- Dani.

*3 mins*

J- last one for me. Erika!
T- we'll start cleaning.
J- no tomorrow.
C- ok

We all then went to be. But I was awoken by a.....

IM OFFICIALLY THE WORST AUTHOR EVER! IM CALLING IT NOW!! I'm so sorry that I haven't written in forever. This story might be an other everyday post. I get so busy, so easily. I promise you it will get better. Just thank you for the love and support you've given me. I've gotten to hang out with friends and my ankle and school too. But I will get better. Please follow me for updates! Love ya!❤️

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