Pt. 4: He's Sick

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Recap: K- um Nathan was....

Jake's POV:
I'm worried about what Kade is about to say.

K- um Nathan was, Nathan is sick. Like he is severely sick and I'm not going to be here for a month.
E- Kade when did you just figure this out?
K- a week ago after Jake was in the hospital
J- omg bro I wish you and Nathan the best of luck.
K- well I have to head out to Washington to pick up McKenzie and then head to Ohio or Michigan. So I'll text you guys once I land.
Jerika- ok bye Kade.

We all hug and Kade leaves.Erika and I go back to laying down. We cuddle some more until Erika gets up.

J- Rik where are you going?
E- I'm hoping in the shower Jakey.
J- ok, I'll be downstairs by the time you get out.
E- ok

She leans in and kisses me, she then heads out. I get up and get dressed and head down stairs to see the Chance and Anthony with Nick.

Erika POV:

I wasn't feeling the best so I went down stairs and hoped I'm the shower when I came out I put on some lounge shorts and a crop top and threw my hair up still wet in to a messy bun. I then walked out to see Jake chilling on the couch recording the boys doing dumb things and messing with Nick. Jake before he went into his coma said that he wanted to be a vlogger so he started recording things around the house. I try to stay out of the way but I'm still in the video. After watching the boys for what felt like forever but was more like 2 mins I went and made a smoothie cause my throat hurt*. After I finished it I sat down by Jake cause he was watching a movie. I snuggled into him and he put his arm around me.

J- Babe your freezing. Let me get you a blanket.
E- no I'm fine
J- babe let me feel your forehead.
E- ok

He feels my forehead and says

J- babe your burning up!!
E- ahhhh
J- what's wrong?
E- I feel like throwing up.
J- babe go to the bathroom your sick.

I get up and start to walk but I immediately stop cause I start to get light headed and I....

Guyyyss I hope you enjoyed the chapter. You all are probably wondering what does this *mean? Ok so it said smoothie well when my throat hurts I get me a smoothie. I kinda feel like it's weird but idk. Ok well anyway thanks for reading, love ya goats sm!!

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