Pt. 34: Lambo?!

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Recap: I was just siting there when I hear two different things click.
Jake's POV:

After Erika went into her room Alissa sat down and started to talk. I wasn't listening to her tho, I was thinking about what Erika said. Are we public? If everyone sees us together they are going to tell me that I broke you guys up. We never have went public so that's why they are shipping you guys.

She was right I wasn't understanding her. I know that she needed time so I just sit there listing to what she said. I was rudely interrupted by Alissa waving her hand in my face.

Al- did you hear anything I just said?!
J- ....
Al- ugh i asked you a question about... you know what can we go out in public about this?
J- um Alissa I don't think that rn is a good time.
Al- well can we at least go to target cause I need stuff for dinner tonight?
J- sure.

We walked out of the office and I walked into the kitchen to find Tessa, just who I needed.

J- T I need a favor.
T- yep.
J- while I'm at target with Alissa, please keep an eye on Erika. Try to keep her family occupied, please?!
T- yes but please hurry!
J- always!

I walked to the front door and yelled.

J- Alissa come on!
Al- coming.

We walked out and hoped in the truck. While walking out we heard tons of clicks. I put my head down and walked away from Alissa. I hopped in the truck and so did Alissa.

Al- why did you walk away from me?
J- omg I finally get it now. Alissa we can't be seen together any more.
Al- why not?
J- hold on let's get out of the driveway and we'll talk.
Al- okay?

We pull out of the drive way and go around to the road behind our house and park.

J- ok so say what you need to say.
Al- Jake I like Neels and I need your help.
J- why me? Ask Chance or Anthony.
Al- idk you were just the one I thought to go with. But you know what the boys would do if I asked them.
J- oh yeah, sorry.
Al- it's fine, just try to help me.
J- ok.
Al- ok so now tell me why you said we couldn't be seen together?
J- Alissa, with that vine I posted earlier of us two with Tristan third wheeling, well everyone is shipping us an....
Al- oh hell no. That can't be happening, you and Erika are meant to be.
J- see Erika brought this up earlier and I think she is now mad at me cause it didn't make sense when I first heard her. She didn't want the fans getting mad at her for breaking "Jalissa" up.
Al- we need to make a vine saying that we aren't real.
J- good idea.

Video Time
J- Hey guys, Alissa and I have something to say
Al- basically all you fans are shipping Jake and I as Jalissa
J- well Jalissa is
Al- and never will be real
J- we are like brother and sister, twins as we say.
Al- but we both like people
J- our relationship will stay the same as it is rn. But w/o the shipping.
Al- we love you guys dearly but please stop.
J- peace guys
Al- byee!

J- thanks for getting that out there
Al- you're welcome.
J- ok well if I drive back to the house you can use the truck.
Al- ok!

We drive back to the house to see something I've always dreamed of seeing.....

Ok guys that's all that I have for you!

Jk! Continuing!

Erika's POV:

I heard two clicks. One click was like camera and the other was my door opening. Tessa walked in, with Dani.

E- Hi!
T- hi rik!
E- hey T! So where did Jake go?
T- idk. Maybe to work out.
E- ahhh!
D- Ahhhhh!
T-  What!!
E- ok so like you know how Jake had that plan of the whole surprise?
T- yeah?!
E- well I was going order a Lamborghini for him, and well the dude who said I could have it said that he could bring it over now and he can keep it for a week!
T- omg that's amazing. Get it!
E- done!
T- perfect. Ok so go get in to something cute and hang out with us.
E- ok!

They both left and I got ready in...

I did everything the same way that it was in the pic

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I did everything the same way that it was in the pic. I walked out and Tessa catcalled me. I did a little twirl and put a smile on my face. Usually Jake would do that but he wasn't here rn, I wish he was here. But yet I hope he understands what I'm going through. I was thinking about going up to our spot to think.

E- Hey team ten can we talk for a min?
X- Sure

We gather into the office and I start to talk.

E- ok so you guys need to keep my family occupied, cause i need some fresh air. Could you please do that?
C- we can show them around La
M- maybe watch a movie.
Tr- let them try vegan food?
K- yes!
T&Mc- NO!
Alex- make food? Like French food?
N- yes!
E- ok so you guys are good with them?
X- yep!
E- ok!

I walked out and gave them all a kiss on their checks and said I was going to clear my head. While I was leaving Meg and McKenzie were trying to find movies and Alex and Tristan were trying to find food. Man what would my life be with out these freaks?

I hoped in my car and quickly pulled out my phone and text T.

Rik🐐❤️- hey remember that the Lamborghini person is coming soon.
T🌹❤️- ok. We are making food for your fam. Just clear you head. Everything is under control.
Rik🐐❤️- thanks T, luv ya!
T🌹❤️- Luv ya too❤️

I pulled out the drive way and head up to the spot. It was actually pretty empty, I guess because it was a Monday and people were working. I pulled up behind the Y and parked. I got out of my car and got up on the top. I just sat there thinking about life and Jake.

Jake's POV:

I see a Lamborghini in the drive way. I hop out of the truck and run to it and admire it in all of its glory. Alissa then starts the truck again and drives away. I hear clicks happening behind me and so I run inside and everything stops.

T- ohh I never told you guys🤷🏽‍♀️
Mc- omg Tessa!
Lu- can we drive it?!
N- don't trust me tho
Tr&A- can we later. Were busy!
D- can we look at it?!
K- yeah! Please?!

We all go outside to see.....

Ahhhh guys I'm back! Yasss I'm back. Ik I'm a horrible writer for not writing for like days! But I promise I'm back tho! But thank you guys for the love and support that you've been giving me! You guys mean so much for me. Luv you guys to death!!❤️

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