Pt. 15: Grandma?

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Recap: But it was 4am when I heard a high pitched scream coming from Erika's room....
Erika's POV:

I knew it was the middle of the night when I screamed but I didn't wake up instead the dream kept on going. I then screamed even louder 15 mins later. The first scream was to my grandma dying but it wasn't that loud. It was kinda a whisper scream. The second one was a very loud one cause by that time in the dream I was told that Jake died. Of course I didn't handle it very seriously. I screamed as loud as I could "no". As soon as I started to scream I woke up screaming. I had sweat dripping down my body. I see Jake rush in. He looked sleep deprived. He saw me and smiled, I jumped up and hugged him.

J- hey you good?
E- yeah just a bad nightmare. You look like you need sleep. You should go back to bed or have you went to bed?
J- um I haven't went to bed....
E- Jake you need to.!
J- but I'm doing things
E- but you are ruining your body.
J- hey it's just one night
E- after another, you could never know.

After I finished saying that the door opened to find Nick standing there with his usual face on.

J- what's wrong nick?
N- um someone is at the door and want you jake.......

I know that this short it's bc I'm also sleep deprived cause I had cheer and it took forever to brush my hair out so. Yeah talk to you goats soon, love ya!!!

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