Pt. 47: Phones!

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Recap: I was pissed and I had an idea on what to do....
Jake's POV:

I was coming up with an idea when my phone started to buzz a lot in my hand. I looked at it to show a lot of comments on my Instagram. They would say, who is that? Jalissa? That's not Alissa! Who tf is it? They kept on going. I just ignored it and left it there. I was about to go to bed when I finally decided to text everyone.

Team ten group chat:
Jake💪🏼: guys this is an emergency. Please go lock all the doors and windows downstairs and stay in your rooms.
Tristan💯: wtf is going on? I'm not even there!
Jake💪🏼: well don't come to the house.
Tessa🌹: Jake is everything alright?
Alissa😝: Is it about him?
Chance🤘🏼: guys just do as he says first and then we can talk about it.
Jake💪🏼: just go to nicks room so we can talk after.
Nick🎅🏽- why my room?!
Jake💪🏼- it's the safest and so then we don't wake up Erika.
Nick🎅🏽- true.

End of text

I then heard everybody's doors open. I heard a lot of feet shuffling around. I soon then went out of my room and made sure it was locked so then no one could get in. Erika and I only knew the code so it was fine. I headed into nicks room. About 5 mins later everyone was in his room and we started to talk.

Ma- what's going on?
A- sh*t we haven't added them to the group yet.
Lu- what group?
Ne- man guys love you too!
Al- hahah. Okay but seriously what's going on?
J- okay, well Erika had a text from an unknown number and it said like I'm here, go downstairs. And it is probably him so what I need you guys to do is guard my door, call the police, and be ready to attack. FYI the police already know what is going on so if you say it has to deal with Brock Willams. They will know.
X- ok.

We parted ways. The police were on their way. Nick was looking at the security cameras and was texting me.

Text between the two.

Nick🤘🏼- it's him
Jake💪🏼- great
Nick🤘🏼- what are you going to do?
Jake💪🏼- nothing until the police get here
Nick🤘🏼- good

End of text

I told the boys that we had to go around the side of the house and scope it. If we heard the police coming we had to make sure that he didn't run. Well he didn't he just stood there at the door when they arrived. I guess he knew what he had gotten him self into. He put his hands up and the police came over to talk to us. They said he was going to be somewhere better and safer. Most likely father away. I was happy. Erika and I finally had freedom. Once that was over. I had the keys in my hand and we walked back in. I finally checked my phone again. I noticed it was the 27th. Halloween is coming up. That means the one time of the year when girls can just like sluts and not get called names. Or couples can be couple goals. I then went upstairs to wake up Erika. When I woke her up she had a big smile on her face.

J- well good afternoon to you too!
E- hahahah, love you!
J- love you more!

We kiss then I came up with an idea.

J- hey you know what we should have.
E- what?
J- Jerika time.
E- I would love that.
J- okay, go get ready in casual clothes cause we're going shopping and out to eat.
E- goodie!!

She kissed me and basically ran down the stairs.

I got changed into this shirt and these pants and shoes. *dont mind the sweatshirt in the 2nd pic*

 *dont mind the sweatshirt in the 2nd pic*

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