Pt. 48: Names & Captions

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Recap: he felt a buzz come from his phone and it wasn't from me....
Jake's POV:

I had no clue what all this buzz was coming from but I didn't care. I had the girls of my dreams with me. I put my phone on silence and Erika asked me who it was.

J- Idc, I'm with the girl I love and that's all that matters.
E- you sure?
J- when am I never.
E- I love you!
J- love you more!

We kiss and I get really hungry.

J- I'm hungry! Now you want froyo before or after?
E- before! This is why I love you!!

We kiss again and head back into the truck. We finally hop in and I pull my phone out of my pocket and set it down. I start to drive.

Erika's POV:

You could hear Jake's phone buzzing a lot, so I finally picked it up and looked. I do of course have my thumb print in and it opened by accident. I pulled down on his notification thing and it was text from the group chat and from insta. Jake was getting tagged a lot from the picture I posted. I didn't tag him so people had to figure out who it was.

J- hey show me those pictures you took.
E- okay, hold on.

I clicked on what he was tagged on and pulled it up. He looked at his phone and had a shocked face!

J- wait you posted that?!
E- yes...?
J- I love you! But your view is way better!
E- awww, I love you way more!!
J- wait did you tag me?
E- no..
J- like it tho and are people tagging me?!
E- yah, apparently people figured out who you were.
J- omg

We burst out laughing and finish up our drive to Frog. We finally get there and all of the sudden the paparazzi showed up! Jake and I were holding hands. I had a hat to wear so I pushed my hat down and Jake and I walked with our heads down. We finally got in and out our heads up.

J- you're lucky you have a hat.
E- hey I guess you can say I came prepared.

We laugh and then kiss. We saw a flash out of the corner of our eyes but we didn't care. We came to this place a lot so we knew the owners very well, we could do what ever we wanted to.

We got our froyo and ate it. When we left it was 5:13. We decided to drive all the way to the pier to go to our fave restaurant. We made a promise to not get on our phones unless it was for business or we were in the car. Well when we got into the car. I pulled out Jake's phone and got onto the group chat. I had no clue why I didn't pull it up on my phone. Oh I know why, because I wanted to see what Jake has my name in as. It was: My World🌎😻🐐. It was adorable, but anyways. I finally got on it to see the texts.

Text in the group. Names are how they would be in as for Jake's phone.

Tessa🌹: guys we have a problem.
Nick🎅🏽: what?
Lissa😝: are you sure about telling them?
Chance💪🏼: babe what's wrong?
Nick🎅🏽: don't become another Jerika.
Neels😉: finally were added and what if we like Jerika?
Tristan💯: more like love!
Anthony😂: we are so off topic!
Marcus😆: but it's hilarious
Lucas🤘🏼: um can we get back to the main point.
Kade🌎: I leave for 1 min and this is what I come back to.
Tessa🌹: I sprained my ankle, I need Erika's crutches.
Alex💀: what?!!!!
McKenzie🙅🏼: what did you do?!
Meg👍🏼: I know where they are, I will be over in 5.
Chance💪🏼: I call being your personal helper!
Lissa😝: so do I! I share a room with her! Beiotch!
Chance💪🏼: fu*k u
Nick🎅🏽: guys where's Jerika?
Kade🌎: he misses them!
Tristan💯: I miss them way more!
Nick🎅🏽:no I'm just wondering!
Nick🎅🏽: I do not!
Tessa🌹: you do!

End of text.

I was laughing and Jake was looking at me.

J- what?
E- this group chat!
J- show me later.
E- no!
J- why not!
E- only aloud on your phone when in the car or for business.
J- read it off to me.
E- okay!

I read it off and we finally arrived to our fav food place Party Foul. When we parked Jake turned his body to face me.

J- so what you telling me is Tessa sprained her ankle and Nick misses us.
E- yep
J- omg, okay let's go eat!
E- okay bc I'm hangry.

We kissed and then got out of the car. We were finally seated after 5mins. I guess it was busy. Jake and I got a booth. We were sitting side by side. It was dark and we were in the corner. We were doing "business" when I saw a flash. It was Jake. He must have took a picture. I guess he did cause 5 mins later I got a notification on my phone saying he posted.

*but just imagine her in braids, and camo pants.*

His caption was: Just had to sneak a picture of her because she said no phones❤️😂

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His caption was: Just had to sneak a picture of her because she said no phones❤️😂

I was dying by what he said and I punched him. We burst out laughing but Jake stops and gets a sad face because of....

Ahhhh guys finally a long chapter!! Y'all wanted me to update! Hope you all enjoyed. I had so much writing it. My phone died twice while writing this. My phone was underneath 10% while writing. But let's hope it charges. But thank you for reading! Love you!!❤️❤️

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