Part 1: Chapter 4

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Warning: This chapter contains some suggestive sexual content.

"What do you think about having another baby Draco?" Hermione asked as she put her earrings in.

Draco poked his head into their bedroom from the bathroom and stared at her incredulously. "What?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to have another baby," she replied casually.

Draco walked into the room waving his wand to tie his tie. "Scorpius is barely four months old and you already want another baby? Or is this because all your friends are pregnant and you feel left out?" He asked teasingly.

She scowled at him and put on her heels. "I do feel left out but that's not why. I've always wanted a small army of children and we're not getting any younger so we might as well start now." She kissed him seductively and pressed her body closer to him.

He groaned and reluctantly removed himself from her clutches. "Hermione. We're going to be late for the groundbreaking if you don't stop."

She started to say something in response but Scorpius' cries from the nursery stopped her. Draco fled the room to attend to their son as she pulled on her peacoat.

The young Malfoy family arrived at the site in London where the first ever Muggle and Wizarding hotel was to be built thirty minutes later. Scorpius was fussy on that rainy April morning. He was in attendance against Hermione's better judgment because Narcissa had insisted that it would be "good for PR". She held her son close to her chest to protect him from the press and the bad weather. Draco held an umbrella over his wife and son, annoyed that he couldn't use magic because of the presence of all of the muggles. Hermione was unfazed because she was much more proficient in nonverbal spells than he was. As such, she cast a nonverbal warming and drying spell and Draco smiled gratefully at her.

They shook hands with all of the investors and other members of the board of directors. Draco took to the podium to make a small speech, discussing his goals for the company in the most vague terms possible, as to not breach the international statute of secrecy.

"Now I'd like to introduce my wife and chairman of the board of Malfoy International, Hermione Malfoy."

Hermione looked up sharply from Scorpius who was crying. No one could hear him of course, because of the silencing charm she had silently cast. She glared at Draco. He had neglected to inform her that she was going to have to speak.

She handed Scorpius to Draco and walked up to the podium with a wide smile on her face. "Good morning everyone! Thank you for joining us on this dreary day to celebrate this momentous occasion. Myself, along with my fellow board members, are very pleased with the progression of this project and we look forward to opening many more locations worldwide."

Flashes went off as the people politely applauded and she stepped back from the podium. Draco stepped behind her and placed his hand around her waist so the muggle and wizard press could photograph them.

After the groundbreaking, Hermione dropped Scorpius off with her mother and headed to the ministry. She wasn't working there that day but she wanted to speak to Harry. She had been able to decode the message in the first picture and wanted to discuss it with him.

She was in the lift studying the picture on her way down to Harry's office, when someone else got into the lift with her, accidentally bumping her shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir--" she started. She looked up and gasped. "Draco? What are you doing here?"

He looked at her confusedly. "Dropping off the permits for the hotel. What are you doing here? I thought you were going home?"

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