Part 2: Chapter 4

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Warning: This chapter contains some suggestive sexual content. 

Hermione scrambled out of Draco's arms to greet all of their friends who were standing around a huge bonfire on the beach. Pansy and Blaise, Ron and Padma, Luna and Rolf, Dean and Seamus, George and Angelina, Parvati and her boyfriend and Susan Bones with her new husband Louis.

"Happy 30th Birthday 'Mione! You're practically ancient now," Blaise greeted her with a hug. "Theo and Elise would have been here but the twins are sick."

"It's no problem! I'm glad you lot are here," she replied, hugging Pansy tightly. "Pansy you've been working so much lately I never get to see you anymore!"

Ginny walked up behind her and joined the conversation. "It's almost like she doesn't like us anymore," Ginny said with a mischievous smile.

"You two know I've been working really hard for this promotion!" Pansy protested. "As soon as I get it, we'll have lunch. I promise."

"We know, we know," Hermione said with a laugh. "Where are everyone's kids?"

"At the Burrow," Blaise answered. "Mrs. Weasley and Fleur are having a grand time with all of those little ones I'm sure."

They all laughed and walked toward the long table by the water where dinner was set up. Hermione took the seat next to Draco with a wide smile on her face.

Draco leaned in to whisper in her ear. "After almost five years of marriage, I would think you would trust me by now," he said teasingly.

"I'm sorry darling. I get a little antsy because you go so big for me, it makes it impossible to live up to your standard."

"Herms, you are more than enough for me. I don't need anything but you. I just love surprising you."

 "Well this is a wonderful surprise! The only one's missing are Hannah and Neville."

Draco frowned. "They were supposed to be here. Or at least they told me they were coming. I wonder what happened."

They all sat down to dinner and took turns making cheesy toasts to Hermione and Ginny. There was plenty of delicious food to compliment the laughter. There was mostly Spanish seafood, not that anyone was complaining. Hermione settled on some paella and enjoyed the view of the water and the Catedral de Mallorca on the hill opposite their resort. 

Or rather her resort. She still couldn't believe that Draco had named their biggest resort yet after her. She reached under the table, taking his hand and squeezing it. He looked over from his conversation with Pansy and smiled at Hermione, placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

They were finishing up dessert and the guests were preparing to either return to the rooms Draco provided or, in George and Angelina's case, return to the UK. They were all walking up toward the hotel when Seamus exclaimed. "Who's that coming up the beach?"

They turned to where Seamus was pointing and saw four figures walking up the beach toward them. Two of them were smaller than the other two. All of the witches and wizards at the table drew their wands, just in case.

As they came closer, light from the bonfire illuminated the people and Hermione's eyes widened with shock as she saw Aries running toward her.

"Draco! You pulled Aries from school for my birthday?!" She said, half admonishing him, half bursting with happiness as Aries rushed into her open arms. "Oh honey I've missed you! Why haven't you written me?"

"I didn't pull him from school," Draco said, confusion etched in his voice.

Hermione pulled back from Aries and saw the tear stains on his face. "Then why is he here? Neville what's going on?! Aries sweetheart are you okay? What's wrong?"

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