Part 3: Chapter 8

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International Young Wizards Competition: Hogwarts Preliminary Round

James Potter - 7th Year

Scorpius Malfoy - 7th Year

Albus Potter - 6th Year

Rose Weasley - 6th Year

Athena Malfoy - 5th Year

Taylor Nott - 5th Year

Thomas Nott - 5th Year

Narcissa Jo Malfoy - 4th Year

Lily Potter - 4th Year

Lyra Malfoy - 2nd Year

October 31, 2022

"Harry what are you doing?" Hermione asked from her seat without looking up from the parchment she was studying.

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"Well then can you sit down and stop pacing? You're making me nervous."

"You're not already nervous?" he asked with a sigh and sat down next to her.

Hermione looked out the window of the Hogwarts Express before looking back over at her best friend.

"No. Why should I be?"

"'Mione you remember all of the criticism I received when I was in the triwizard tournament and now all of my children and Dudley's son are participating in this competition. You saw what the prophet said when the contestants were announced."

"They did have some rather nasty things to say about our children as well," she replied thoughtfully. "But you know that's just what they do! They try to stir up controversy to keep their papers selling. Their views don't necessarily reflect the views of the entire wizarding community."

He sighed. "I guess you're right. I just don't want any of them to deal with what I went through."

Hermione leaned her head on his shoulder. "Those were different times. Besides, the kids have us. They'll be fine."

The door to their compartment slid open and Draco and Ron walked in arguing about who would get to introduce Hermione.

"She's been my best friend for thirty years!" Ron said sitting down next to Ginny who was fast asleep.

"And she's my wife!" Draco refuted, taking the empty seat on Hermione's other side.

"How about I just introduce myself?" Hermione said, instantly shutting the both of them up.

"But 'Mione--" Ron started.

"No. You two have had a week to settle this and you're still bickering like children. The smart, rational, mature thing to do would have been for both of you to introduce me but since you can't stop arguing, I'll do it myself."

Ron and Draco glared at each other but didn't say anything further. They both knew it was pointless to argue with Hermione once she had made up her mind.

They were met at the station by Hagrid and rode up to the castle in the carriages. Hermione smiled sadly as she watched the thestrals trot along the pathway, reminiscing of a time when she could not see them.

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