Part 3: Chapter 14

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Revelations Part 2

The Malfoys - Aries - 26, Scorpius - 18, Athena - 17, Narcissa Jo - 16, Lyra - 13

The Potters: Teddy - 26, James - 19, Albus - 18, Lily - 15

The Notts: Thomas and Taylor - 17

The Zabinis: Marco - 18, Antonio - 15

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

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August 2024

"So Aries just showed up with a baby?" Albus asked from his spot on the sofa.

"Yeah," Athena replied nonchalantly. "Makayla. She's super cute. Looks just like Aries."

"What did your dad say?" Taylor asked, coming out of Marco's room in one of his long button downs and no pants.

Athena shrugged. "He didn't really say much of anything. Although I bet it's killing him not to say 'I told you so'."

Marco trudged out of his room in some shorts and sank onto the sofa next to Albus, pulling Taylor into his lap.

Albus rolled his eyes but Athena continued to study her nails indifferently. She had grown accustomed to Marco and Taylor's casualness regarding their relationship.

"What I don't get," Marco started. "Is how Melissa could do something like this. I never got that vibe from her."

Again Athena shrugged. "You can't judge a book by it's cover I guess. Have you told your dad about St. Mungo's?" Athena asked Albus, keen to change the subject.

He shot her a look. "Not since you asked me twenty minutes ago."

"I'm just saying. The program starts next week and you're bound to run into Victoire and Rose at some point."

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