Part 1: Chapter 13

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"Draco! Draco! We got him!" Hermione ran from the fireplace when she got home, searching for Draco to tell him the good news. "Draco!" She ran upstairs and found him in the playroom with Aries, Scorpius and Athena.

Draco looked up from the book he was reading with Aries. "Hello love. Is everything alright?"

"Yes! Better than alright! We caught them!"

Draco stood up quickly and hugged her. "Seriously? That's amazing!" He lifted her from the ground and spun her around before setting her back down. "So we're safe again?"

"Yes! Well, we'll be in protective custody until the trial is over and those criminals are shipped off to Azkaban forever."

"Are you prosecuting the case?"

Hermione shook her head and scooped a laughing Scorpius into her arms. "No, I can't. It's a conflict of interest. Blaise will be the prosecutor."

"Blaise?! Wow, how'd you swing that?"

She winked at him. "Head of Magical Law Enforcement, remember?"

"I'm so proud of you Herms," he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "This calls for celebration! Phone your mother and see if she can babysit tonight."

"Why don't we take the kids with us? We haven't really been out as a family since it happened."

Draco smiled and kissed her forehead. "If that's what you want my love. Why don't we invite Blaise and Pansy and the Potter's and Weasley's as well?"

"That's a great idea! I'll floo over to Harry and Ginny's really quick. Tell Susan and Steven the good news!" She ran down the stairs and into the fireplace.

Upon arriving at the Potter home, Hermione was greeted with a sight she could have gone her entire life without seeing. "Oh my God! Guys!" She covered her eyes in horror. "In the drawing room really!?"

Ginny laughed. "We were celebrating!" Hermione heard shuffling and a door opening. "You can open your eyes now Hermione."

Hermione uncovered her eyes hesitantly. To her great relief Ginny was standing there in a dressing gown and Harry had fled the room.

"What if the kids had walked in?!" Hermione asked still horrified.

Ginny shrugged. "I was already in here cleaning when Harry came home with the good news and the kids are upstairs. We locked the door."

Hermione shuddered and Ginny laughed. "That's what you get for coming over unannounced. What are you doing here anyways?" Ginny asked, taking a seat on the couch. "Shouldn't you and Draco be celebrating too?"

"I came to invite you guys out to dinner. We're taking the kids out to celebrate in an appropriate manner."

"Oh that sounds wonderful! Where are we going? And what we were doing was not innapropriate 'Mione, grow up. You're an adult."

Hermione ignored the last part of Ginny's statement. "I was thinking the Flying Dutchman? In about an hour?"

"Sure. We'll meet you there!"

Hermione floo'd back home to get ready, still disgusted. When she relayed the story to Draco, he simply laughed.

"You should have just owled them honey."

"I will next time," she said, laughing as well.

The families had a blast at dinner. The large amount of children they had with them, however, did not please the other patrons of the Flying Dutchman. They didn't care though; They were all so happy and relieved that soon they would be safe again.

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