Part 2: Chapter 3

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They looked out over the expansive landscape down to the white sandy beach and crystal clear ocean water.

Ginny furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely breathtaking. But where are we?"

Hermione wasn't looking out at the ocean though; She was looking at the resort adjacent to it. The huge sign read: HGM Resort Majorca.

"You didn't," Hermione whispered again.

Draco leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I did."

She leapt into his arms and kissed him firmly. "Draco you named the resort after me?! You're insane!"

Ginny cleared her throat. "Ahem! I will ask again; Where are we?!"

Draco laughed and set Hermione on her feet again. "We're at the HGM resort in Majorca the Spanish island. We just finished developing the resort about a month ago and we get to be the trial run."

"You mean no one else has stayed here before us?" Ginny asked excitedly.

"Exactly." Draco replied and led them down to the entrance.

They were greeted in the lobby by a friendly blonde woman and escorted to their rooms. Harry and Ginny were on one side of the hotel and Draco and Hermione on the other side.

"Draco it's more beautiful than I could have imagined from the plans that you showed me!" Hermione gushed as they climbed into the lift.

"I'm glad you like it," he replied, beaming down at her. "I'm quite happy with how it turned out as well."

"I still can't believe you named the resort after me," She said, pulling him into a warm embrace.

"This project is the one I'm most proud of; I worked really hard on it. It only seemed fitting to name it after the woman who loved me when I didn't deserve it."

"Oh Draco stop it," Hermione said, stepping out of the lift and pulling him after her.

He stopped walking. "I'm serious Herms. You saved me. You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I told you I was going to spend the rest of my life trying to deserve you. Think of this as another payment on the debt I owe you."

Tears shone in Hermione's eyes as she tried to smile. "You really are a sap, Draco."

He kissed the tears on her face. "Only when it comes to you. Happy birthday, darling."

He pushed open the doors behind her, revealing their suite. "Welcome to the Malfoy Suite," he said, spinning her around so she could see.

"Holy shit Draco! It's beautiful!"

The double doors opened into a sitting room and there was a full kitchen off to the right side. The suite boasted four full bedrooms, each with their own balcony. The master bedroom was beautifully but simply decorated. The breeze from the open balcony doors blew the white linen curtains and the smell of the sea filled the room.

Hermione ran from room to room, inspecting all of the features. Draco eventually found her in the master bathroom, admiring the waterfall shower.

He leaned on the doorframe watching his wife for a few minutes before he spoke. "This suite is just for us and family members. No one can stay here without written permission from both of us."

"Oh wow! So what do the other rooms look like?"

"We can look at some later if you'd like. But for now I think we should find Ginny and Harry so we can get some lunch," He replied, offering her his hand.

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