Part 3: Chapter 20

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The Malfoys - Aries - 26, Scorpius - 19, Athena - 18, Narcissa Jo - 17, Lyra - 14

The Potters: Teddy - 26, James - 20, Albus - 18, Lily - 16

The Notts: Thomas and Taylor - 18

The Zabinis: Marco - 18, Antonio - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

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May 2025

"Albus," Athena groaned. "Remind me why we waited to do this until today."

He set down the box he was carrying and fought the urge to scream. "Because, honey, every other day I tried to do it you found a reason for us not to."

"Are you getting an attitude with me right now? Because I really can't take it if you are."

Albus closed his eyes in frustration. "I don't have an attitude baby, I'm just trying to get these boxes loaded into the car."

"And why aren't we doing this with magic?"

"Because," he said through gritted teeth. "You thought it would be 'charming' to move the muggle way and screamed at me until I agreed."

She scoffed and tried to sit up taller on the couch but was prevented from doing so by her large baby bump. "That doesn't sound like me at all."

"I'm going to take this box to the car is that okay?"

"Do whatever you want Albus."

He picked up the box and muttered angrily to himself. "God I hope Taylor and Narcissa Jo get here soon so you can have someone else to nag."

"What did you say?"

"Just asking if you wanted some water when I get back."

"Oh yes. That would be lovely. Thank you."

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