Part 3: Chapter 3

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A Very Merry Potter Christmas Part 1

James Potter - 5th Year

Jennifer Boseman - 5th Year

Scorpius Malfoy 5th Year

Albus Potter - 4th Year

Rose Weasley - 4th Year

Athena Malfoy - 3rd Year

Narcissa Jo Malfoy - 2nd Year

Lily Potter - 2nd Year

December 25, 2020

"Mummy! Mummy!" Lyra came thundering down the stairs, shrieking for her mother.

"Why are you yelling Lyra?" Hermione asked, as her youngest daughter came bursting into the kitchen. "I'm trying to get the food ready to take over to Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry's house."

"It's, Cissa Jo and Athena," she said, trying to catch her breath.

Hermione looked up sharply. "What about your sisters?"

"Fighting again," Lyra said, bending over and clutching her chest.

"Oh is that all? What are they arguing about now? Lyra sit down and drink some water."

"No mummy, not arguing! Fighting! They're fighting!"

"Oh for Merlin's sake," Hermione said, running up the stairs.

She heard Athena and Narcissa Jo's screams from down the hallway. "What in the world is going on here?!" She yelled as she ran into Athena's room.

Athena was on top of Narcissa Jo, repeatedly pushing her face into the carpet as she pulled her hair. Narcissa Jo was letting loose a stream of colorful swear words she could have only learned from Ron.

"Athena get off of your sister!" Hermione grabbed Athena by her collar but she wouldn't budge. Hermione kept trying to pry Athena's hands off Narcissa Jo only to be thrown back when Narcissa Jo started kicking at nothing in particular in an unsuccessful attempt to free herself.

Lyra stood at the door in tears when Draco came running into the room and performed a gentle knockback jinx to separate the girls. Hermione stood and straightened her dress before joining Draco by the door.

"Lyra go see if Scorpius is ready," Draco instructed, his voice deadly quiet.

"But daddy--"

"Now, Lyra."

She stomped out of the room and Draco closed the door behind her.

"Now," Hermione said angrily. "Would either of you care to enlighten me as to why you are fighting on Christmas?"

Athena and Narcissa Jo looked at each other and both started speaking at the same time, trying to yell over each other.

"Be quiet," Draco said quietly, effectively silencing them. He was rarely angry with his little girls, but when he was, it was scary. "You will speak one at a time."

"Athena?" Hermione inquired.

"I came back from my shower and the stupid bint--"

"Language, Athena!" Hermione admonished.

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