Part 3: Chapter 21

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The Malfoys - Aries - 26, Scorpius - 19, Athena - 18, Narcissa Jo - 17, Lyra - 14

The Potters: Teddy - 26, James - 20, Albus - 18, Lily - 16

The Notts: Thomas and Taylor - 18

The Zabinis: Marco - 18, Antonio - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

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Albus paced back and forth in the lobby at St. Mungo's chewing nervously on his thumbnail.

"Albus, mate have something to eat," Scorpius said offering him a sandwich.

Albus shook his head and continued to pace.

"Come on Al," Marco urged. "We've been here for hours. You've got to eat something."

"How the can I be worried about something as trivial as food when I have no idea what the fuck is going on with Athena?!" he said angrily.

"She'll be alright," Marco said quietly. "She's strong."

"What if she isn't alright?" Albus said, running his hands through his already disheveled hair. "I can't lose her guys! I just can't," he said sliding down the wall and onto the floor with tears running down his face.

"She's my best friend! And I did this to her." He choked on a sob as Scorpius came to sit next to him.

"Hey Al, take a deep breath. She's going to be just fine. We don't know what's wrong yet. It may be something minor."

Albus shook his head. "You didn't see the midwife's face. She didn't give us any information. She called for backup and some mediwitches arrived to transport Athena here. They all looked so serious, so grim. And then Athena lost consciousness right before they transported her."

He got up angrily and started pacing again. "And now they won't let me see her! I work here for Merlin's sake!"

"Then you know precisely why you can't be back there. But my mum is back there with her," Scorpius said reassuringly.

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