Part 4: Chapter 1

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Aries - 29 

Eloise - 28 

Makayla - 5

May 2028 

"Aries are you finished with your breakfast?" Eloise asked, putting some fruit on the table in front of Makayla.

When he didn't respond, Makayla looked up at Eloise with a frown. "Mummy why is daddy ignoring you?"

"He's not ignoring me baby girl. Whatever's he's reading in the Prophet must be very interesting."

"Huh?" Aries asked without looking up.

Eloise shook her head with a smile as the doorbell rang. She waddled to the door rubbing her very large baby bump and humming. She opened the door to see a young woman in a tattered cloak, with dark brown hair standing on her porch. Her cheeks were sunken in and her eyes bloodshot.

"May I help you?" Eloise asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have the wrong house. I was told Aries Meyers lived here."

Eloise frowned and folded her arms across her chest. "Aries is my husband."

Shock registered on the young woman's face. "Aries is married?"

Eloise huffed. "Happily. What business do you have with my husband?" She peered at the girl more closely and her eyes widened.

Eloise gasped and covered her mouth as Aries poked his head into the entryway. "Who's at the door babe?"

He frowned and walked over to her when she didn't respond. "Babe? Who is it?"

He looked at the woman on the porch and his eyes clouded with anger. "Melissa."

Tears streamed down Melissa's face. "Aries I--"

"You have some fucking nerve showing up here. What the fuck are you doing here?" he asked, stepping in front of Eloise.

Eloise placed her hand on Aries' shoulder. "Honey, calm down--"

"You want me to calm down Eloise?! This bitch promised me I'd never see her again," he spat venomously. "At least that's what she said as I begged her to reconsider. She laughed at me and left with her jackass--"


Aries and Eloise turned and saw Makayla standing in the hallway clutching her teddy bear.

"Why is daddy so angry?"

Melissa gasped on the porch and Aries and Eloise turned back to look at her.

Eloise left Aries' side and picked up Makayla as best she could at eight months pregnant. "Daddy's not having a good morning so he's a bit cross. Why don't you and I go get dressed and we can visit Remus at his gramma's house?"

"E put her down, she can walk," Aries said tiredly.

Eloise put Makayla back down and took her hand. "Aries why don't you invite our guest in and talk in your office?" She said tightly, trying not to react in front of Makayla.

"What?! You can't be serious--"

Eloise cleared her throat and pointed at Makayla who was staring at her father, her blue eyes wide with curiosity. "Aries don't be impolite. Or I'll call your mother."

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