Part 4: Chapter 14

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Bridal Blues: Part 1

Athena Malfoy - 23

Albus Potter - 23

Edmon and Emlyn Potter - 4

March 2030

"Athena you can't!"

"And why can't I?"

"Because, because, umm...daddy and Aunt Ginny won't approve!"

"Cissa Jo, I think I'm beyond achieving parental approval don't you think? Now, will you please let me go? I have to get out of here while the twins are still asleep."

"I can't let you go."

"Then I guess you'll be coming with me." Athena put a body bind curse on her sister and levitated her down the stairs in front of her while she carried her toddlers in her arms. She looked around to make sure the house was still quiet before heading out the front door and down to her car. 

She got the twins' strapped into their car seats and Narcissa Jo's seatbelt on before climbing into the driver's seating and pulling away from her parents' house. Once they were a little ways away from the house, Athena released the body bind.

"Are you crazy!?"

"No, but I will be if you wake up my babies."

"So, what's the plan here Athena?" Narcissa Jo asked angrily. "You steal off in the middle of the night, right before your wedding? If you didn't want to marry Albus, why didn't you say anything before?"

Athena slammed on the brakes and glared at her sister. "Of course I want to marry Albus! I just don't want the circus that is planned for tomorrow! Aunt Ginny and daddy have gone absolutely nuts! And since Aunt Ginny won't let me call Albus, I'll just have to go see him, so we can figure out what to do because I refuse to go back to that house and marry him tomorrow under these circumstances!"

She exhaled angrily and continued driving. 

"Well, where exactly are we going? To your house?"

"No. Teddy and Aries are throwing him a stag party at Grimmauld Place."

"We're going to his stag party?!"

"You don't have to. You can go home as long as you promise not to breathe a word of this to anyone."

Narcissa Jo pondered this for a moment. "I'm coming with you."

"Excellent idea."

8 hours earlier

"Athena dear, stand up straight, we're trying to see what last minute alterations need to be made," Ginny pleaded as politely as she could manage.

"I can think of an alteration that needs to be made. Turn this dress into a different dress!" Athena whined.

"Athena Malfoy! You don't want to wear your mother's wedding dress? I cannot believe you!"

"No! I don't! I've been saying that for the last 6 months and you've ignored me!"

"I have not ignored you! I simply said that you should be grateful to be able to wear your mother's gown. Not everyone can."

"Mum doesn't even care if I wear the dress! Why are you so insistent that I do?"

"Because, Athena, I have a vision."

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