Part 1: Chapter 11

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A month passed and they got nowhere. There were no more attacks, thank heavens but there were also no more leads. Harry and Hermione were getting increasingly frustrated as they spent the majority of their days searching for clues.

Unfortunately, life had to go on. Narcissa and Joseph had named Hermione and Draco guardians of Aries in the event of their demise and so Hermione now had three children to mind. Her mother, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny had been so helpful but they could only do so much. So Hermione did a lot of her work from home. Draco continued to work long days at Malfoy International to distract himself from his anguish and was moody when he finally came home. Hermione was trying to be understanding as he had just lost his mother but her patience for his attitude was waning.

Aries was extremely clingy to Hermione, understandably so, but he never wanted to let her out of his sight. Because Scorpius followed him around like a shadow, she never had a minute alone when she was at home. One night, she found them waiting for her outside her bathroom while she was taking a shower. The pair of them cried excessively whenever she had to leave the house to go to work; They were really tiring her out.

Friday night Hermione was bathing the boys and trying to calm Athena at the same time when something inside of her snapped. She walked out of the bathroom and slid down the wall onto the floor holding Athena tightly. She sobbed quietly, finally grieving the loss of her mother in law and Joseph and the loss of her peace of mind. She felt warm arms envelope her and inhaled a calming scent that she knew was Draco.

"I've been selfish Hermione. I know you're hurting too. I'm very sorry but I'm here now." He kissed her temple. "You've been so great through all this. Let me take Athena and get the boys ready for bed. You go rest."

She nodded and allowed him to help her up from the floor. She walked to their bedroom and lay in bed, reading until Draco joined her.

The next morning, she received an anonymous letter.


I can help you. You and Harry meet me at the Hogshead in Hogsmeade tonight at 6pm. I'll be in a dark cloak at the bar. Come alone. Only you and Harry.

A friend

She frowned and dashed off a quick message to Harry asking if she could stop by after breakfast before heading downstairs to make breakfast for her family. Draco was already at the table with a cup of coffee, looking exhausted. They had stayed up late the night before making love, losing themselves in each other, trying to forget their worries. Hermione smiled at the memory and dropped a kiss on Draco's forehead. She was finishing up making waffles when Scorpius made his way into the kitchen.

"Good morning my angel!" She said, scooping him up into her arms to give him a kiss. "Go sit at the table with Daddy."

He toddled over to Draco and climbed into his lap. "Daddy wake up!" He placed his little hands on his daddy's face, earning a smile from him.

"I am awake son," Draco said, laughing.

Aries came into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and made his way over to Hermione. "Good morning Aries. Did you sleep well?" Hermione asked, giving him a quick hug as she set the food on the table.

He nodded and climbed into the seat next to Draco. They all ate quickly and got dressed. Ginny had responded to her message for Harry and asked her to bring the kids over to play when she came. Draco decided to stay home and get some rest.

As usual, chaos greeted them at the Potter's house. Teddy was zooming around the living room on a children's broom that he had gotten for Christmas while Harry laughed, trying to catch him. Ginny was dancing with James and Albus to the Weird Sisters' latest song.

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