Part 1: Chapter 9

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Athena was a calm, sweet baby and unlike Scorpius, she took to Hermione immediately. She had Draco's pale blonde hair and grey eyes but the rest of her features were pure Hermione. Scorpius was insanely jealous of his baby sister and didn't understand why his mummy couldn't hold him all of the time anymore. He resorted temporarily to throwing tantrums to get attention, exhausting both of his parents.

The week after Athena was born, Hermione was nursing Athena and feeding Scorpius his lunch when the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting company and was surprised to see Narcissa and Aries on her doorstep.


"Hello Hermione dear!" Narcissa hugged her daughter in law and briskly walked past her into the house.

Aries wrapped his arms around his sister in law's waist in a tight hug. "Hermione! I missed you."

Despite her confusion as to why they were at her home, Hermione couldn't resist embracing Aries and giving him a swift kiss on the cheek. Aries shared Hermione and Teddy's love of reading and Hermione often took the two young boys with her when she went shopping for books.

"It's good to see you Narcissa," Hermione said, closing the front door behind her. "What brings you by?"

Scorpius came running into the room from the kitchen and leapt into his grandmother's arms. "To plan Scorpius' birthday party of course," she replied, peppering Scorpius with kisses. "Hermione, be a dear and bring us some tea so we can get to work."

Hermione clenched her teeth but kept quiet as she went into the kitchen to prepare tea. She sent a quick message to Draco before returning to the sitting room with the tea and refreshments. Aries had retreated to the library with Scorpius in tow, leaving the two women alone except for Athena, who was asleep in Hermione's arms.

"Now what's this about Scorpius' birthday party? Draco and I have already planned it--"

"Ah, yes. Draco told me you were planning on having it at the Burrow," she said with disgust. "That is unacceptable for the Malfoy heir."

Hermione was getting a headache. "Narcissa--"

"I know, I know. I phrased that poorly, I'm sorry. What I'm trying to say is that, this is a chance for some good publicity for the company as well as an opportunity to introduce the children into proper society."

"Why do you care about the Malfoy name? You divorced Lucius long before he died."

"My dear girl! I am heavily invested in Malfoy International. And besides, only a handful of people are even aware that Lucius and I divorced."

Hermione was trying to keep calm but her temper was getting the best of her. She was tired and agitated, and Narcissa was only making it worse. She put Athena in her swing and turned to Narcissa with her hands on her hips. "And so to promote your financial interests, you would exploit your own grandson!?"

"Exploit?!" Narcissa rose to her feet, angry as well. "Who said anything about exploiting Scorpius? This is in his best interest as well! You would deny an opportunity to expand the empire that your children will inherit?"

"Oh no you don't! Don't try to spin this on me! I already let you convince me to bring Scorpius to the groundbreaking for the hotel back in April. I will not allow you to use his birthday for business purposes! I can't believe--"

Hermione stopped mid-sentence at the sound of someone in her fireplace.

Narcissa was at her son's side in an instant. "Draco, my dear son! Hermione is being unreasonable--"

"I'm being unreasonable?!"

"Hermione! Mother! Stop shouting! Don't you hear Athena crying?" He walked over and picked his daughter up, comforting her. "What the bloody hell is going on? You two never quarrel."

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